We began this year excited to welcome students back in person and reconnect with each other. We navigated a few twists and turns in the road — omicron! changing public health guidance! — but we came through together as a community.
The Latinx Center of Excellence in Behavioral Health (LCOEBH) was launched in 2017 thanks to a Centers of Excellence grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in the amount of $3,398,332.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted inequity on many levels, and came as a stark reminder that economic vulnerability is a structural problem rather than an individual one.
“I knew I was going to be advocating for unpopular causes and disenfranchised communities,” explains Dylan de Kervor (MSW/JD ‘09), “so I wanted a law degree for the teeth and a social welfare degree for the heart.”
We sat down with the School of Social Welfare's Chief Diversity Officer and Director of Strategic Initiatives Katrina Koski to learn more about these initiatives, the way they intersect, and how they foster equity within our school.