Berkeley Social Welfare MSW students satisfy field experience requirements through a combination of both first and second year MSW field placements. MSW students pursuing the PPS credentials will typically need to have a second year field placement in a school-based setting. This arrangement is most meaningful in terms of synchronizing required academic course work with field experiences.
To satisfy the field experience requirement for the PPS/SSW credential, students must:
Complete a minimum total of 1,000 hours of field experience (satisfied by the total field experience hours required for the Berkeley MSW degree).
Complete at least 450 hours of field experience in a school-based field placement.
Complete the school-based field placement in at least two different grade levels (public pre-schools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, district level and alternative schools). There is no minimum hour requirement for each grade level.
Complete the CTC-specific Live Scan fingerprinting and background check process, and get a Certificate of Clearance issued by CTC BEFORE accruing any field placement hours to count towards the PPSW/SSW field experience requirement.
School-based Field Placement Requirements
The distribution of grade levels and hours for the school-based PPSW/SSW field placement should be decided by mutual agreement between the student, their UCB Field Consultant, and the school placement site-based Field Instructor. The distribution of grade levels and hours should be documented in the PPS/SSW Field Placement Learning Agreement and final Field Evaluation forms.
In addition to meeting the core field competencies required of all Berkeley Social Welfare MSW students, PPS/SSW candidates must satisfactorily address the CTC's Pupil Personnel Services: School Social Work, Preconditions, Program Standards, and Performance Expectations in their school-based field placements. PPS/SSW candidates should have a broad base of experiences including but not limited to: families and students identified as eligible for Free and Reduced Priced Meals, English Language Learners, Homeless, Foster Youth, Students in need of Special Education and Section 504 plans, students who have been expelled from school, sexual minority youth (LGBTQ+), and students with mental health needs. Candidates should be provided with direct contact with students and families that is sufficient to demonstrate competency in the School Social Work Performance Expectations.
Requirements for the Add-on Specialization in Child Welfare and Attendance
Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) is a specialized student support service intended to help address complicated issues regarding student attendance or behavior problems. PPS/SSW candidates may also seek the add-on CWA Authorization, which requires a minimum of 150 clock hours of supervised school-based field experience engaging in supervised practice in the following areas: student attendance, student enrollment and discipline, educational records, parent engagement, and legal and ethical compliance related to pupil services. Berkeley Social Welfare’s curriculum in school social work practice addresses requirements for both the PPS/SSW credential and the add-on CWA Authorization.
Field Experience Supervision Requirements
PPS/SSW candidates must be supervised in their school-based field placement(s) by someone who holds a PPS credential in School Social Work, or an MSW with another PPS credential, and a minimum of two years post-MSW experience. In addition, a valid Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) authorization is required in those settings where the candidate will accrue hours and experience toward the CWA authorization.
PPS/SSW candidates must meet with their field supervisor for a minimum of one (1) hour of individual supervision per week. The field supervisor/field instructor must be accessible to the candidate at all times while the candidate is accruing fieldwork hours.
The field supervisor/field instructor is required to complete UC Berkeley’s field instructor training which includes models of supervision, the SSW Performance Expectations, and program fieldwork requirements.
Student Evaluation and Assessment of Competency
Field Instructors, PPS/SSW Supervisors and MSW students should develop field education Learning Agreements that are tailored to the individual needs of and tasks provided by the particular field placement setting. CTC standards not covered in field education Learning Agreements are addressed in other areas of the curriculum.
The PPSC Field Experience Evaluation Form is required as a supplement to the student’s Final Field Evaluation for all MSW students who wish to obtain a PPS credential in School Social Work.