The tools and readings in this section can inform instructors' approaches to teaching and working with Latinx populations. Understanding the diversity within the Latinx population is an important step towards ensuring their academic and professional success. Though instructors across disciplines are welcome to use these resources, those teaching social work courses might find them particularly useful.
Teaching & Curriculum Development Resources
The National Latinx Psychological Association (NLPA) created a website with resources for teaching courses related to Latinx mental health and related topics. The materials were submitted and reviewed by NLPA members. The site includes sample syllabi and a list of readings relevant to mental health.
Scholarship & Research
Teaching Latinx Students
- Calvo, R. (2018) Introduction: The Latinx Opportunity. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 38(3), 246-250.
- Calvo, R., Ortiz, L., Villa, P., & Baek, K. (2018) A Call for Action: Latinxs in Social Work Education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 38(3), 263-276.
- Cuellar, M. (2008, January 29) Understanding Latinx College Student Diversity and Why It Matters. American Council on Education (ACE).
- De Luca, S. M., Escoto E. R. (2012). The Recruitment and Support of Latino Faculty for Tenure and Promotion. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 11(1), page(s): 29-40
- Gutiérrez, L., Yeakley, A., Ortega, R. (2000). Educating Students for Social Work with Latinos. Journal of Social Work Education, 36(3), 541-557.
- Rodriguez Morales, A. I., (2011) Factors that foster Latina, English language learner, non-traditional student resilience in higher education and their persistence in teacher education (Doctoral Dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas). Retrieved from
Working with Latinx Communities
- Delgado, M. (2007). Social Work with Latinos: A Cultural Assets Paradigm. Oxford University Press.
- Furman, R., Loya M. A., Jones, S., & Hugo, R. (2013) The Paucity of Social Workers Prepared to Work With Latino Populations. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 83(2-3), 170-184.
- Furman, R., Negi, N. J., Iwamoto, D. K., Rowan, D., Shukraft, A., & Gragg, J. (2009). Social Work Practice With Latinos: Key Issues For Social Workers. Social Work, 54(2), 167-174.
- Organista, K. C. (2009). New Practice Model for Latinos in Need of Social Work Services. Social Work, 54(4), 297–305.