Annual Forum on Social Justice

Illustration of a butterfly

Inaugural School of Social Welfare Annual Forum on Social Justice presents

The Latinx Forum on Democracy, Migration, Health & Wellbeing

  • Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 8:30am - 5:00pm
  • Friday, October 13, 2022 | 8:30am - Noon
  • International House (I-House), UC Berkeley Campus

The overarching goal of the School of Social Welfare’s Annual Forum on Social Justice is to advance social justice in ways informed by and resulting in research, public policy, and practice that advance a more equitable democracy given the fundamental relationship between health and economic vitality for all members of society.    

The purpose of this inaugural forum is to elevate Latinx scholarship on the UC Berkeley campus by featuring impactful scholars, related professionals, and colleagues, committed to lifting Latinx social positionality and wellbeing.

This inaugural forum, the first of five over the next half-decade, officially brands a major signature event for UC Berkeley’s School of Social Welfare, made possible by the generosity of John Wilson and Beclee Newcomer Wilson (MSW ’90), longtime supporters of the School of Social Welfare, and members of the Dean's Alumni Advisory Board that have committed to one of the largest planned gifts in the School's history to promote social justice through the School and UC Berkeley. They are proud to include this forum as part of their legacy.

Featured Speakers

  • Margarita Alegría: Chief of the Disparities Research Unit at the Massachusetts General Hospital and The Mongan Institute, the Harry G. Lehnert, Jr. and Lucille F. Cyr Lehnert Endowed MGH Research Institute Chair and a Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
  • David Hayes Bautista: Professor of Medicine & Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at the School of Medicine, UCLA
  • Maria Hinojosa: Emmy-Winning & Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist, Hinojosa is Anchor and Executive Producer of the Peabody Award-winning show Latino USA, distributed by NPR
  • John A. Pérez: UC Regent and longtime Member of the CA Legislature
  • Somos Esenciales Project: Featuring Paul S. Flores, Adriana Camarena, and Lisa Fortuna, Chief of Psychiatry and Vice-Chair at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital/UCSF

Program Overview

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Time Event
8:30 AM Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM

Welcome and Overview

Linda Burton, Dean & Professor & Eugene and Rose Kleiner Chair of Aging at the Berkeley School of Social Welfare

Lisa García Bedolla, Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate Division, and a Professor in the School of Education

Victoria Plaut, Professor and Vice Provost for the Faculty, UC Berkeley

Kurt C. Organista, Professor & Harry & Riva Specht Chair in Publicly Supported Social Services at the School of Social Welfare

9:30 AM

Keynote Address

John A. Pérez, UC Regent & Longtime Member of the CA Legislature; Introduction by John Oliver Wilson, Member, Dean’s Alumni Advisory Board & Donor

10:15 AM Break

10:30 AM

Showcasing UC Berkeley’s Latinx Migration & Democracy Cluster Faculty Hires in the Social Sciences

Kurt C. Organista (Facilitator)

Jenny S. Guadamuz, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health

Kristina Lovato, Assistant Professor, School of Social Welfare

Lorena Oropeza, Professor, Chicanx Latinx Studies

Laurent Reyes, Assistant Professor, School of Social Welfare

Michael Rodríguez Muñiz, Associate Professor, Sociology [via Zoom]

Nicholas Vargas, Professor, Chicanx Latinx Studies [Via Zoom]

Stephanie Zonszein, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

12:00 PM Lunch

1:00 PM

Latinx Health and Wellbeing

Laura E. Pérez, Professor of Chicanx Latinx Studies & Chair, Latinx Research Center (Facilitator)

David Hayes-Bautista, Professor of Medicine & Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at the School of Medicine, UCLA

Hector Rodríguez, Professor, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley

2:30 PM Break and Light Refreshments

3:00 PM

Immigration and Social Justice

G. Cristina Mora, Associate Professor of Sociology & Co-Director, Institute for Governmental Studies (Facilitator)

Verónica Terriquez, Professor of Chicano Studies & Director, Chicano Studies Research Center, UCLA

Cecilia Ayón, Professor of Public Policy, UC Riverside

María Hinojosa, Emmy & Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist [Via Zoom]

4:30 PM

Closing Remarks

Linda Burton

Kurt C. Organista

Friday, October 14, 2022

Time Event
8:30 AM Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM

Welcome and Overview

Linda Burton, Dean & Professor & Eugene and Rose Kleiner Chair of Aging at the Berkeley School of Social Welfare

Adrian Aguilera, Associate Professor, School of Social Welfare

9:30 AM

Keynote Address: Redoing the Mental Health Lands

Margarita Alegría, Professor, Departments of Medicine & Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

10:15 AM Break

10:30 AM

Response & Presentation: Latinx Community Mental Health Collaboration

Adrian Aguilera (Facilitator)

Lisa Fortuna, Professor, and Vice-Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UCSF and Chief of Psychiatry at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

From the Somos Esenciales Project:

Adriana Camarena, Mexican writer, researcher, and community organizer

Paul S. Flores, Playwright, Doris Duke Artist, Creative Capital awardee, and a MAP Fund grantee as well as an adjunct professor of theater at the University of San Francisco

12:00 PM

Closing Remarks

Linda Burton

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