Neil Gilbert

Job title: 
Distinguished Professor

Neil Gilbert is the Milton and Gertrude Chernin Professor of Social Welfare and Social Services. Dr. Gilbert is director of the Center for Comparative Welfare State Research and was the founding director of the Family Welfare Research Group.

Dr. Gilbert served as the School's acting dean (1994-96) as well as chair of the doctoral program for a five-year period. His University service has included posts as vice-chair and chair of the Berkeley Senate Faculty's Graduate Council, and membership on the Senate Divisional Council, the Committee on Privilege and Tenure,the Statewide Senate Faculty Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs,  the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects, the Committee on Comittees, the Committee on International Education and the L & S Executive Committee.

Additionally, Dr. Gilbert was a senior research fellow at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development in Geneva. He was a recipient of the Senior Fulbright Research Fellowship, which enabled him to study the changing structure of social services in the British welfare state. He has served as a visiting Fulbright lecturer at Tel Aviv University. He was awarded a second Fulbright Fellowship to study European Social Policy as a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science and at the University of Stockholm Social Research Institute. In 1993 and 1997, Dr. Gilbert served as a visiting scholar at the International Social Security Association in Geneva. In 2010 he was a visiting scholar at Oxford University Department of Social Policy and was a visiting professor at the University of Hamburg in 2016 and  in 2020 a visiting professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia in Madrid. 

His numerous publications include 15 books, 18 edited volumes and over 145 articles that have appeared in The Wall Street JournalThe Public InterestSocietyCommentaryThe American Interest, The Atlantic and leading academic journals. Several of his books have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Italian. His book, Capitalism and the Welfare State (Yale University Press) was a New York Times notable book and also reviewed in the New York Review of Books. His 1995 book, Welfare Justice: Restoring Social Equity ( Yale University Press) was reviewed in the Wall Street JournalPartisan Review and The Washington Times. In 2002, Transformation of the Welfare State (Oxford University Press) was reviewed in the New York Review of BooksThe New Republic and well-known academic journals. His 2008 book, A Mother's Work: How Feminism, the Market and Policy Shape Family Life (Yale University Press), was reviewed in the Atlantic Monthly. His most recent book is Never Enough: Capitalism and The Progressive Spirit (Oxford University Press). Vanguard essays adapted from this work have been published in The American Interest and The Atlantic Magazine.

Dr. Gilbert has served on many editorial boards, including Journal of Social Policy (British), Social WorkThe Journal of Social Service ResearchChildren and Youth Services Review and Gender Issues. He chairs the editorial board of the International Journal of Social Welfare and is co-editor of the Prentice Hall Series in Social Welfare, the Praeger Publication Series on the Social Services, Oxford University Press series on International Policy Exchange. He is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Oxford University Press Library on International Social Policy.

Dr. Gilbert was the US Delegate to Oxford University Press for Social Work and Sociology, served on the board of trustees of the Head-Royce School and is chairman of the board of Seneca Family of Agencies. In 1987, he was awarded the University of Pittsburgh Bicentennial Medallion of Distinction. In 2000 he was voted the UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare Teacher of the Year.

.pdf of CV available upon request

In The News

Performative activism: From Tinsel town to the Halls of Ivy  (Washington Examiner 03.07.2023)  

Retroview: What Poverty Means” (The American Interest 07.01.1)

Do Bad Times Produce Bad People?" (Cited) (The Washington Post 05.30.11)

Many Women Prefer Stay At Home Motherhood To Soulless Cubicle Dwelling (Cited) (Jezebel 06.16.08)

Honors / Awards

Society Notable Book: Neil Gilbert. A Mother's Work: How Feminism, the Market and Policy Shape Family Life (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008). Sydney Ball Lecture, Oxford University.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Fellow, American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare

Expanded Publications

Jill Berrick, Neil Gilbert and Marit Skivenes, International Handbook of Child Protection Systems, New York: Oxford University Press (forthcoming)

Neil Gilbert and Anis Brik, Family-Sensitive Policy: Broadening the Conceptual Lens for Evaluating Social Protection, Society (2020)

Schwartz –Tayri, T. M., Moshe-Grodofsky, M., Malka, M., & Gilbert, N. 'Integrating micro and macro practice – An evaluation of the policy advocacy course." Journal of Social Work Education (2020).

Cheng-Huei Hong and Neil Gilbert, "Cognitive Dissonance and Fertility Rates: A comparative analysis of attitudes toward the gender division of labor in East Asian and Western Industrial Countries" Social Policy and Society (2020) 

Neil Gilbert, Never Enough: Capitalism and the Progressive Spirit (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017) 

Neil Gilbert and Paul Terrell, Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy (8th edition) (Boston: Pearson, 2013).

Neil Gilbert and Paul Terrell, Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy (7th edition) Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2010).

Neil Gilbert, "Social Ills: What Inequality Doesn't Mean," The American Interest 12:5 (March/April 2017). 

Neil Gilbert ,”Prosperity, Not Upward Mobility ,Is What Matters,” The Atlantic (1/5/2017) 

Neil Gilbert "The Inequality Hype," The American Interest (January/ February 2017) 

Antonio Lopez Pelaez, Sagrario Segado and Neil Gilbert (eds.) “The Decline of the Middle Classes,” Special Issue of Social Work and Society. 14:1 (2016). 

Neil Gilbert, "The 21st Century Enabling State: Public Support for Private Responsibility in the U.S," in Dongtao Qi and Lijun Yang eds. Social Changes and Social Policy Reforms in West, Asia and China (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing 2016) .

Neil Gilbert, “Institutionalized Discontent,” Society 53:4 (July 2016)

Jing Guo and Neil Gilbert, “Public Attitudes Toward Government Responsibility for Child Care: The Impact of Individual Characteristics and Welfare Regimes, Children and Youth Services Review (2014).

Neil Gilbert, "Citizenship in the Enabling State: The Changing Balance of Rights and Obligations," in Adalbert Evers and Anne-Marie Guillemard (Eds.), Social Policy and Citizenship (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013).

Jing Guo and Neil Gilbert, "Public Attitudes and Gender Policy Regimes: Coherence and Stability in Hard Times," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare (2012).

Neil Gilbert, “Accounting for Employee Benefits: Issues of Measurement, Valuations and Social Equivalencies,” in Kenneth Couch and Douglas Besharov (Eds.), Measuring Poverty: Lessons From Europe (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012).

Neil Gilbert, Nigel Parton and Marit Skivenes. Child Protection Systems: International Trends and Orientations (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).

Neil Gilbert, "What Poverty Means", The American Interest (July/August 2012)

Neil Gilbert, "A Comparative Study of Child Welfare Systems: Abstract Orientations and Concrete Results," Children and Youth Services Review (2011).

Neil Gilbert and Douglas Besharov," Welfare States Amid Economic Turmoil: Adjusting Work-Oriented Policies," Policy and Politics (2011).

Neil Gilbert, "Mother's Work: Capitalism, Feminism, and the Welfare State," in Peter Kemp ed. Social Protection for a Post-Industrial World (Intersensia: Antwerp, 2010).

Neil Gilbert, "Sold Down the River?" The House: Parliament's Weekly Magazine, No. 1345: Vol. 35 (May 24, 2010), p. 35.

Neil Gilbert, "The Least Generous Welfare State? A case of Blind Empiricism"Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (September 2009) 355-367.

Neil Gilbert. "U.S. Welfare Reform: Rewriting the Social Contract," Journal of Social Policy (July 2009).

Neil Gilbert. A Mother's Work: How Feminism, the Market and Policy Shape Family Life (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008). *Society Notable Book

Jill Duerr Berrick and Neil Gilbert (Eds.). Raising Children: Emerging Need, Modern Risks and Social Responses (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008).

Neil Gilbert "Motherhood, Work, and Family Policy," in Jill Berrick and Neil Gilbert (Eds.), Raising Children: Emerging Need, Modern Risks and Social Responses (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008).

Jing Guo and Neil Gilbert. "Welfare State Regimes and Family Policy: A Longitudinal Analysis," International Journal of Social Welfare (October 2007).

Neil Gilbert (Ed.). Gender and Social Security: What's Fair for Women (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2006).

Neil Gilbert and Paul Terrell. Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy (6th edition) (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2005). Translated into Korean 2007; translated into Chinese 2003.

Neil Gilbert. “The Enabling State? From Public to Private Responsibility for Social Protection: Pathways and Pitfalls,” OECD Employment and Migration Working Papers, No.26, (2005).

Neil Gilbert. "Family Life: Sold on Work," Society (March/April 2005).

Neil Gilbert. "Protection to Activation: The Apotheosis of Work" in Peter Saunders (Ed.), Welfare to Work in Practice (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2005).

Neil Gilbert. "What Do Women Really Want," The Public Interest (Winter, 2005)

Neil Gilbert, "Social Security Reform: Transform or Tweak," San Francisco Chronicle, February 4, 2005, p. B9.

Neil Gilbert and Antoine Parent (Eds.). Welfare Reform: French and US Experiences (Rutgers: Transaction Publishers, 2004).

Ramesh Mishra, Stein Khunle, and Neil Gilbert (Eds.). Modernizing the Korean Welfare State: The Productive Welfare Model (Rutgers: Transaction Publishers, 2004).

Neil Gilbert. "Advocacy Research Overstates the Incidence of Date and Acquaintance Rape," in Richard Gelles and Donileen Loseke (Eds.), Controversies on Family Violence (2nd edition) (New Bury Park: Sage publications, 2004).

Neil Gilbert. "Welfare, Poverty and Social Services: International experiences," in Midgley and Hokenstad (Eds.), Social Welfare: Innovations From Abroad(Washington DC: NASW Press, 2004)

Neil Gilbert and Rebecca Van Voorhis (Eds.). Changing Patterns of Social Protection (Rutgers: Transaction Publishers, 2003).

Neil Gilbert. "Productive Welfare and the Market Economy: Korea's Enabling State," in Ramesh Mishra, Stein Khunle, and Neil Gilbert, Modernizing the Korean Welfare State: The Productive Welfare Model (Rutgers: Transaction Publishers, 2003).

Neil Gilbert, "Welfare Policy in the U.S.: The Road from Income Maintenance to Workfare," Neil Gilbert and Antoine Parent (Eds.), Welfare Reform : A Comparative Assessment of French and U.S. Experiences (New Brunswick: Transaction Publications, 2003).

Neil Gilbert and Rebecca Van Voorhis. "Emerging Patterns," in Gilbert and Van Voorhis (Eds.), Changing Patterns of Social Protection (New Brunswick: Transaction Publications, 2003).

Neil Gilbert. "The Size and Influence of the Underclass: An Exaggerated View," Society, 37:1, (December 1999).

Neil Gilbert, "Special Issue Editorial: Protecting Children: Policies and Practices in Child Welfare," International Journal of Social Welfare (October, 1999).

Neung-Hoo Park and Neil Gilbert, "Social Security and the Incremental Privatization of Retirement Income," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 26:2 (June 1999).

Neil Gilbert and Paul Terrell. Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy (4th edition) (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998).

Neil Gilbert. "From Service to Social Control: Implications of Welfare Reform for Professional Practice in the U.S.," European Journal of Social Work, 1:1 (1998).

Neil Gilbert, "Privatization and Professionalization: Challenges to Service Delivery in the US," in Gaby Flosser and Hans-Uwe (Eds.), Toward More Democracy in Social Services (Walter De Gruyter: Berlin 1998).

Barbara Needell and Neil Gilbert. "Child Welfare and the Extended Family" in Jill Duerr Berrick, Richard Barth and Neil Gilbert (Eds.), Child Welfare Research Review Vol. II (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997).

Ruth Lawrence Karski, Neil Gilbert, and Laura Frame. "Evaluating the Emergency Response System’s Screening, Assessment, and Referral of Child-Abuse Reports,"California Policy Seminar Brief, Vol. 9, No. 5 (December 1997).

Neil Gilbert. "Balancing Priorities on Welfare Reform," Society (May/June 1996).

Neil Gilbert, "Welfare Reform: Implications and Alternatives," Hastings Women's Law Journal, 7:2 (1996).

Neil Gilbert and Neung Hoo Park. "Privatization, Provision, and Targeting: Trends and Policy Implications for Social Security in the U.S.," International Social Security Review (1996) (translated in French, Spanish, and German).

Gilbert, N. (1995). Welfare Justice: Restoring Social Equity, (New Haven: Yale University Press)

Neil Gilbert, "Welfare Reform: It’s Not About Money," Ethics and Policy (Summer 1995).

Helen Ahn and Neil Gilbert. "Cultural and Ethnic Factors in Preventing Child Abuse," in Schulische Pravention Gegensexuelle Kindesmisshandlung (Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse in School: Between Hope and Reality), editor Brunhilde Marquardt-Mau (Juventa Verlag, 1995) (published in German).

Jill Duerr Berrick and Neil Gilbert, "Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse in American Primary Schools," in Schulische Pravention Gegensexuelle Kindesmisshandlung (Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse in School: Between Hope and Reality), editor Brunhilde Marquardt-Mau (Juventa Verlag, 1995) (published in German).

Neil Gilbert and Kwong Leung Tang. "Privatization of Social Welfare in the United States: Scope, Rationale, and Performance," in Norman Johnson (Ed.), Private Markets in Social Welfare: An International Perspective (Berg Publishers, 1995).

Richard Barth, Jill Duerr Berrick, and Neil Gilbert (Eds.). Child Welfare Research and Policy Review Bi-Annual: Volume I (New York: Columbia University Press, 1994).

Neil Gilbert. "Sexual Abuse Prevention in the United States: An Evaluation of Research and Practice," in Handbuch Sexueller Missbrauch (Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse), Katharina Rutschky and Reinhart Wolff (Eds.) (Hamburg: Ingrid Klein Verlag, 1994) (published in German).

Neil Gilbert, "Was It Rape? An Examination of Sexual Abuse Statistics," The American Enterprise (September/October, 1994). *Reprinted in Lawrence Salinger (Ed.), Deviant Behavior (Guilford, CT: Brown and Benchmark Publishers, 1995); *Revised version reprinted in Rita Simon (Ed.), Neither Victim nor Enemy: Women's Freedom Network Looks at Gender in America (Lanham, MD: University Press of America and Women's Freedom Network, 1995). *Reprinted in Peter Adler and Patti Adler (Eds.), Constructions of Deviance: Social Power Context, and Interaction (Wadsworth Publishing, 1996).

Neil Gilbert. "Why the New Workfare Won't Work" Commentary (May 1994). *Reprinted in Scott Barbour (Ed.), Work: Opposing Viewpoints (San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1994). *Reprinted in Michael Cooley and Katherine Powell (Eds.), Making Choices: Reading Issues in Context (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1996).

Jill Duerr Berrick and Neil Gilbert. "Should Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Be Required in the Schools?" in Eileen Gambrill and Mary Ann Mason, Issues in Child Welfare (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1994).

Neil Gilbert. "From Welfare to Enabling State," in Adalbert Evers and Ivan Svetlik (Eds.), Shifts in the Welfare Mix (London: Avebury/Aldershot, 1994).

Neil Gilbert. "Gender Equality and Social Security," Society (May/June, 1994).

Neil Gilbert. "Miscounting Social Ills," Society (March/April, 1994).

Neil Gilbert. "Touch and Stop," Reason (March 1994).

Neil Gilbert. "Social Policy and Family Relations: Choices for Change,"International Social Security Review, 3/4 (1994) (translated in French, Spanish and German).

Gilbert, N., Specht, H. & Terrell, P. (1993). Dimensions Of Social Welfare Policy (3rd edition), Prentice-Hall.

Neil Gilbert. "Gender Equality, Family Policy, and Social Care," in Peter Saunders and Sheila Shaver (Eds.), Theory and Practice in Australian Social Policy. Proceedings of the National Social Policy Conference, Sydney, July 14-17, 1993.

Neil Gilbert. "Social Responsibility and Social Accounting: Time for a New Ledger,"The Responsive Community (Winter 1992/93).

Helen Ahn and Neil Gilbert. "Cultural Diversity and Sexual Abuse Prevention," Social Service Review (September, 1992). *Reprinted in Lois McDermott, Culture and Sexuality (4th edition) (Simon and Schuster, 1996).

Neil Gilbert. "Realities and Mythologies of Rape," Society (May/June 1992). *Revised version reprinted in Richard Gelles and Donileen Loseke, Current Controversies on Family Violence (Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, forthcoming); *Human Sexuality-Annual Editions, 1992; *Selected as most significant article in 1992 for reprinting in Irving Horowitz (Ed.), 35th Anniversary Edition of Society (Jan./Feb., 1998).

Neil Gilbert. "From Entitlements to Incentives: The Shifting Philosophy of Social Protection," International Social Security Review (March 1992) (in French, Spanish, and German).

Neil Gilbert. "Social Constraints on Primary Prevention: The Case of Child Abuse Prevention," in Hans-Uwe Otto and Gaby Flosser (Eds.), How to Organize Prevention: Political, Organizational, and Professional Challenges to Social Services (Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, 1992).

Neil Gilbert. "My Turn," Violence Update, (January 1992).

Neil Gilbert, "The Governor's Got It Half-Right," Los Angeles Times, January 10, 1992.

Jill Duerr Berrick and Neil Gilbert. With the Best of Intentions: The Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Movement (New York: Guilford Publishers, 1991).

Neil Gilbert. "The Phantom Epidemic of Sexual Assault," The Public Interest, (Spring 1991). *Reprinted in Hadley Smith (Ed.), Reading and Writing in the Academic Community (Prentice-Hall Inc., forthcoming); *Katherine Bartlett, Gender and Law(Little Brown, forthcoming); and *Violence Against Women (San Diego: Greenhaven, 1994); *Cynthia Hardy, Rape and the Criminal Justice System (Dartmouth Publishing).

Neil Gilbert, "The Campus Rape Scare," Wall Street Journal, June 27, 1991, p. A14. Reprinted in New Times, The Daily Journal (July 14), California Monthly (Sept. 1991, revised version), The Yale Herald.

Neil Gilbert, "A Few Women Want to Speak for Both Sexes," San Francisco Chronicle, June 26,1991.

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht, "Social Planning-Community Organization: Overview," in Encyclopedia of Social Work (18th edition) (New York: NASW, 1986).

Neil Gilbert. "The Commercialization of Social Welfare," Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (December 1985).

Neil Gilbert. “The Reorganization of Social Services: Trends in Finance and Regulation," Policy Notes (Fall 1985).

Neil Gilbert. "Moral Objections to Welfare for Profit: A Reply," Journal of Social Policy(July 1984).

Neil Gilbert. "Welfare for Profit: Moral, Empirical, and Theoretical Perspectives,"Journal of Social Policy (January 1984).

Gilbert, N. (1983). Capitalism and The Welfare State, Yale University Press. New York Times Notable Book.
Paperback edition 1984.
Chapter 6 translated into Italian by Ugo Ascoli in Azione Voluntaria e Welfare State (Bologna: Il Mulino,1987).
Translated into Korean (1994)
Translated into Japanese (Chou Hoki Shuppan: Tokyo, 1995)
New York Times Notable Book.

Neil Gilbert. "In Support of Domesticity: A Neglected Family Policy Option," Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (Summer 1983).

Neil Gilbert. "Social Security in Developing Countries: Health Care Alternatives for the Rural Sector," in Helen Wallace and G. B. Ebrahim (Eds.), Maternal and Child Health Around the World (New York: Macmillan, 1982).

Neil Gilbert. "Further Thoughts on Primary Prevention - Author Responds," Social Work, 27:6 (November 1982).

Neil Gilbert. "Policy Issues in Primary Prevention," Social Work (July 1982).

Neil Gilbert. "The Plight of Universal Social Services," Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (Spring 1982).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. "A Fair Share for the Aged: Title XX Allocation Patterns 1976-1980," Research on Aging, 4:1 (March 1982).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht (Eds.). Handbook of the Social Services (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1981).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht (Eds.). The Emergence of Social Work and Social Welfare, 2nd edition (Itasca: Peacock Publishers, 1981).

Neil Gilbert. "The Future of Welfare-Capitalism," Society/Transaction (Sept./Oct. 1981).

Neil Gilbert. Harry Specht and David Lindeman. "Social Service Planning Cycles: Ritualism or Rationalism," Social Service Review (September 1981).

Stephanie FallCreek and Neil Gilbert. "The Aging Network in Transition: Problems and Prospects," Social Work (May 1981).

Neil Gilbert, Henry Miller and Harry Specht. Introduction to Social Work Practice (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1980).

Neil Gilbert. "The Design of Community Planning Structures," Social Service Review (December 1979).

Neil Gilbert. "An Initial Agenda for Family Policy," in Neil Gilbert (Ed.), Social Work: Special Issue on Family Policy, 24:6 (November 1979).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. "Title XX Planning by Area Agencies on Aging: Efforts, Outcomes, and Policy Implications," The Gerontologist (June 1979).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. The Dynamics of Community Planning (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1978).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. Coordination of Social Services: An Analysis of Community, Organizational and Staff Characteristics (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht (Eds.). Planning for Social Welfare: Issues, Models and Tasks (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1977).

Neil Gilbert. "The Transformation of Social Services," Social Service Review (December 1977). *Reprinted in James Burke, et al. (Eds.), Social Policy and Social Service (Lexington, MA: Ginn & Co., 1980); and *Louis Cheng (Ed.), Towards the 1980s: Readings in Social Work (Singapore, University of Singapore 1980).

Neil Gilbert. "Editorial Board Membership—Comments," American Psychologist (December 1977).

Neil Gilbert. "The Search for Professional Identity," Social Work (September 1977).

Neil Gilbert. "The Burgeoning Social Service Payload," Transaction/Society (May/June 1977).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. "Process vs. Task in Social Planning," Social Work (May 1977).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. "Quantitative Aspects of Coordination: Is More Better? Administration in Social Work (Spring 1977).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. "Social Planning and Community Organization," in Encyclopedia of Social Work (17th edition) (New York: NASW, 1977).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht (Eds.). The Emergence of Social Work and Social Welfare (Itasca: Peacock Publishers, 1976).

Neil Gilbert. "Alternative Forms of Social Protection for Developing Countries," Social Service Review, 50:3 (September 1976).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. "Advocacy and Professional Ethics," Social Work, 21:4 (July 1976). *Reprinted in Fred Cox, et al., Strategies of Community Organization (3rd edition) (Itasca, IL: Peacock Publishers, 1979).

Neil Gilbert. Problems of Security in Low Income Rural Areas: Alternative Designs for Social Protection (Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, August 1975).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1974).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht, "Picking Winners: Federal Discretion and Local Experiences as Bases for Planning Grant Allocations," Public Administration Review, 34:6 (November/December 1974).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. "Socio-Political Correlates of Community Action: An Analysis of Conflict, Political Integration and Citizen Influence," Sociological Review Monographs, No. 21, Sociology of Community Action (December 1974).

Neil Gilbert, Harry Specht and Charlane Brown. "Demographic Correlates of Citizen Participation: Race, Size, and Citizen Influence," Social Service Review (December 1974).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. "The Incomplete Profession," Social Work, 19:6 (November 1974) *Reprinted in Harry Specht and Ann Vickery (Eds.), Integrating Methods of Social Work Practice (London: Allen Unwin, 1977).

Neil Gilbert, Armin Rosenkranz and Harry Specht, "Dialectics of Social Planning,"Social Work (April 1973).

Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht. "Institutional Racism and Educational Policy," Journal of Social Policy (January 1973).

Research interests: 
  • Systems of Care for Children/Families/Older Adults
  • Comparative Welfare State Analysis
  • Child Welfare
  • Evaluation Research
  • Family Policy
  • Social Security