Kristina Lovato

Job title: 
Assistant Professor

Dr. Kristina Lovato, PhD, MSW, joined Berkeley Social Welfare as an Assistant Professor in the Fall of 2022 and is also a member of the UC Berkeley Cluster on Latinxs and Democracy. Prior to joining Berkeley Social Welfare she held a tenure-track faculty appointment in the School of Social Work at California State University, Long Beach (2017-2022). 

Dr. Lovato’s scholarly work focuses on enhancing Latinx child and family well-being particularly among immigrant families at risk of immigration enforcement and/or public child welfare involvement.  Her first line of inquiry employs intersectional qualitative methodological approaches to examine the impact of punitive immigration policies on Latinx immigrant  families’ who have experienced a forced family separation due to detention/deportation. Her research aims to better understand the lived experiences of Latinx communities in order to develop culturally responsive policies, systems, and services.

Dr. Lovato’s second line of research examines social and structural inequities associated with race, gender, socioeconomic status and social/structural determinants of health in the provision of services to Latinx populations. In a recent intramurally funded study, she elicited the perspectives of child welfare agency representatives nationally – both administrators and frontline staff to explore how child welfare agencies and community partner organizations experienced and adapted service provision for immigrant children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In her third line of research, she expects to lead studies aimed at enhancing civic engagement both formally and informally among Latinx and immigrant communities. She is interested in examining how we might engage Latinx populations in democratic structures where there are and have been, significant structural efforts to exclude them from participation in democracy. Dr. Lovato’s scholarly work has been published in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals. She was awarded a Faculty Ethics Research Award (CSULB) and has presented at premier national social work and immigration-related conferences

As a social work educator, Dr. Lovato draws upon over 12 years of clinical experience serving diverse families as a bilingual child welfare social worker, child therapist, and school-based mental health clinician. She teaches MSW courses such as: Multi-Level Practice, Child Welfare Practice and Policy, SW Practice with Latinx Populations, Group Work, Human Behavior and the Social Environment, and capstone classes. 

Dr. Lovato earned a doctorate in Social Welfare from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), an MSW from San Francisco State University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Anthropology from St. Mary’s College of California. 

.pdf of CV available upon request



  • SW 241: Multi-Level Practice


2020 I Ukleja Center for Ethical Leaders, Faculty Ethics Research Award, CSULB Ethics and care: addressing the health and mental health needs of Latinx families impacted by a deportation-related family separation. Ukleja Center for Ethical Leaders, Faculty Ethics Research Award, CSULB ($5,000).  

2015 I Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Award Principal Investigator, Immigration related vs. forced family separations. Regents of University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Los Angeles ($6,000.00). Research Mentor: Carola Suarez-Orozco, PhD.

2014 I Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Award Principal Investigator, “Crossing the border to find home: A Gendered perspective of the separation and reunification experiences of Mexican immigrant young adults in the U.S.” Regents of University of California, Los Angeles ($6,000.00). Research Mentor: Carola Suarez-Orozco, PhD.

2014 I Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., Social Justice Initiative Grant Principal Investigator, “An examination of post-migration educational experiences: perspectives from Latino immigrant young adults.” Luskin School of Public Affairs, University of California, Los Angeles and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation ($1,500.00)

2014 - 2015 I Adam Smith Fellowship, Mercatus Center, George Mason University         

2013 I UCLA Luskin Social Justice Initiative Grant                                                              

2012 I UCLA Luskin Senior Fellows Program, Department of Social Welfare                                                   

2006 I Phi Alpha Honor Society, San Francisco State University                             

2004-2006 I Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Fellowship (CalSWEC)                                               

2000 I Alpha Kappa Delta Honor Society, Saint Mary's College of CA, Moraga, CA

Recent Publications

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 

Lovato, K., & Abrams, L.S. (Accepted-In Press, August 2022). A qualitative examination of

service utilization among Latinx immigrant families following a deportation-related family separation. Child Welfare. 

*Lovato, K., Finno-Velasquez, M., Sepp, S., Ramirez, J., Mendoza, V., Mekonen, R.H.

(2022). The impact of COVID-19 and immigration enforcement on service delivery for immigrant origin families involved in the child welfare system. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-14.

*Lovato, K., & Ramirez, J.  (2022). Addressing the social service needs of Latinx families impacted by COVID-19 and immigration related stressors. Journal of Social Service Research, 1-15. Nourazari, S., Lovato, K., Weng, S. (2021). Making the case for proactive strategies to alleviate homelessness: A systems approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 526;

*Ramirez, J. & Lovato, K. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on Latinx immigrant children and families: A call to action. COVID-19 and Child Welfare: Challenges and Responses CWLA (Child Welfare League of America), Pp. 35-40.

Lovato, K., Abrams, L.S. (2020). Enforced separations: A qualitative examination of how Latinx families cope with family disruption following the deportation of a parent. Families in Society, 1-17.

Lovato, K. (2019).  Forced separations: A qualitative examination of how Latinx adolescents cope with parental deportation. Children and Youth Services Review, 98, 42-50.

Lovato, K., Lopez, C., Karimli, L., Abrams, L. (2018). The impact of deportation related family separations on the well-being of Latinx children and youth: A review of the literature. Children and Youth and Services Review, 95, 109-116. 

Lovato-Hermann, K., Dellor, E., Tam, C., Curry, S. R., & Freisthler, B. (2017). Racial disparities in service referrals for families in the child welfare system. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 11(2)1-17. doi.10.1080/15548732.2016.1251372

Enano, S., Freisthler, B., Perez-Johnson, D., Lovato-Hermann, K. (2016). Evaluating parents in partnership: A Preliminary study of a child welfare intervention designed to increase reunification. Journal of Social Service Research, 1-10. doi:10.1080/01488376.2016.1253634

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2015). Crossing the border to find home: A Gendered perspective of the separation and reunification experiences of Mexican immigrant young adults in the U.S. Journal of International Social Work, 59, 1-15. doi: 10.1177/0020872815611197

Dellor, E., Lovato-Hermann, K, Price, J., Curry, S. Friesthler, B. (2015). Introducing technology into child welfare. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 33(4), 330-344. doi: 10.1080/15228835.2015.1107520 

(*Indicates publication with a graduate student)

Manuscripts Under Review 

Orr, M., Lovato, K., Weng, S. (Submitted: March 2022). In pursuit of social justice: Cambodian American social service providers’ commitment to community engagement within the Cambodian American Community. Journal of Social Work.

Weng, S., Lovato, K. (Submitted: April 2022). Spiritual coping strategies among older refugee Cambodian Americans. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work.

Community Based Report 

Generations United (2021). Toolkit. Latino Grandfamilies: Helping Latino children thrive through connection to culture and family. (Served as lead author of this toolkit). *Served as Lead Author.

Finno-Velasquez, M., Lovato, K., & Prandini, R. (June 30, 2021). The U.S. must adopt child welfare strategies for unaccompanied minors.

Freisthler, B. Dellor, E., Rivas, A., Enano, S., Lovato-Hermann, K. & Pei, F. (2016). Safe Long Beach: Safe Families Enhancement Project Final Evaluation Report. Columbus, OH

Peer Reviewed Presenations 

Lovato, K. (2022, March, 4) The Impact of the Dual Pandemic of COVID-19 and Systemic Inequities on Latinx Adolescents and Families. Oral paper presentation at Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.

Lovato, K., Finno-Velasquez, M., Sepp, S., Mekonnen, R.H. (2022, February, 16).  Building the Capacity of Child Welfare Systems to Serve Immigrant Families During COVID-19. Virtual Oral Paper Presentation at 6th Annual Conference on Social Work and Migration in Mexico, Central America, and the United States at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois.

Lovato, K. (2022, January 16). Addressing the needs of Latinx immigrant children and families impacted by COVID-19 and immigration enforcement in Los Angeles, CA. Oral paper presentation at Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Lovato, K. & Finno-Velasquez, M. Sepp, S. Hernandez, R. (2022, January 15). Building the capacity of child welfare systems to serve immigrant families during COVID-19. ePoster presentation selected at Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Lovato, K. & Finno-Velasquez, M., Sepp, S. (2021, July) Building the capacity of child welfare systems to serve immigrant populations during COVID-19. Oral virtual paper presentation at American Professional Society of the Abuse of Children.

Lovato, K. (2021, May) Examining the social service needs of Latinx immigrant families impacted by immigration enforcement and COVID-19. Oral virtual presentation at End Abuse Long Beach.

Lovato, K. (2021, April) Addressing the needs of Latinx immigrant communities impacted by COVID-19. Oral virtual presentation at Research Scholarly Creative Activities: Week of Research. California State University, Long Beach, CA

Lovato, K., Weng, S., Ordaz, J. (2021, January) Increasing access and utilization of social services for Cambodian Americans: Perspectives from Cambodian American service providers. Oral virtual paper presentation selected at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference.

Lovato, K. (2020, January). The impact of deportation related family separations on Latinx   families in Los Angeles. Poster presentation selected at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington D.C.

Lovato, K. (2020, May- Cancelled due to COVID-19). Accessing social service support following a deportation-related family separation. Oral paper selected at the Latino Social Work Organization Conference, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.

Lovato, K. (2019, November).  Fear and anxiety among Latinx immigrants accessing health services following a forced family separation. Oral paper presentation selected at the 4th Binational Mexico-United States Conference on Social Work and Migration, University of Houston, Houston, TX.

Lovato, K. (2019, March) Examining ethnic identity formation experiences among Central American emerging adults in Los Angeles. Oral paper selected at the Latino Social Work Organization Conference, The California Endowment, Oakland, CA.

Lovato, K. (2018, March). Under the radar: An examination of Latino immigrant families social   service needs following immigration enforcement. Oral paper selected at the Latino Social Work Organization Conference, University of Washington, Seattle.           

Lovato, K. (2018, January). Enforced separations: A qualitative examination of the impact of parental deportation on Latinx youth and families. Paper presentation at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, D.C.

Lovato, K. (2018, January). Social work in the current presidential administration: Responsibility Ethnics, and social justice. Panel presentation at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, D.C.

Lovato, K., (2018, January). Assessing the effectiveness of city-wide trauma informed trainings. Paper presented at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, D.C.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2017, May). Enforced separations: An examination of how today’s immigration enforcement policies impact Latino youth and their undocumented families in Los Angeles. Paper presentation at the Social Services in the Latina/o Community Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2017, March). The impact of parental deportation on Latino/a youth and immigrant families in Los Angeles. Paper presentation at the Latino Social Work Organization Conference, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2017, January). Exploring child welfare service referrals by race/ethnicity using the Needs Portal intervention. Poster presented at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2017, January). Welcome or not: An examination of the integration experiences among Central American immigrant emerging adults in Los Angeles. Poster presented at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2016, January). Crossing the border to find home: An examination of the reunification experiences of undocumented immigrant youth. Paper presented at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.                    

Dellor, E., Lovato-Hermann, K., Price-Wolf, J., Freisthler, B., & Curry, S.R. (2015, November). Introducing technology in child welfare referrals for health and social services. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2015, October). Exploring family and community contexts for undocumented immigrants during emerging adulthood. Paper presented at the biennial conference of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood. Miami, FL.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2014, May). Crossing the border to find home: An Examination of the migration and reunification experiences of Mexican transnational youth in the U.S. Paper presented at the Immigrant Youth Empowerment Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2014, February). Across the boundaries of labor and gender: A critical review of the literature on transnational motherhood.  Paper presented at the Annual Thinking Gender Conference. University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2013, January). Familial caregivers and elder mistreatment among Chinese immigrants. Poster presented at the Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, San Diego, CA.

Invited Presentations 

Lovato, K. (1, February, 2022) Enhancing the wellbeing of Latinx Kinship Families. Oral virtual paper presentation. Northwest Children’s Foundation Virtual Forum: Buffering Intergenerational Trauma.

Lovato, K. (10, January 2022) Serving the needs of immigrant populations impacted by child welfare involvement. School of Social Work, San Francisco State University.

Lovato, K. (11, November 2021) Social work research with immigrant populations. University of Maryland, College Park. School of Public Health.

Lovato, K. (2020, September 8th) Invited Co-Panelist: Teach-in Series: Black Lives Matter         and the Immigrant Rights Movement, CSULB Dream Success Center, CSULB.

Lovato, K., Nourazari, S., Weng, S. (2019). Panelist: Addressing Homelessness with Systems Thinking. Team Science Workshop. 31st Annual Biotechnology Symposium. Hyatt Regency Orange County.

Lovato, K. (2018, November). Panelist: Enforced Separations: An Examination of how Latinx Youth cope with parental deportation. Invited guest lecture: Human Behavior and the Social Environment. November 5, 2018.

Lovato, K. (2018, March) Presenter: Addressing Homelessness in Long Beach with Systems Thinking. California State University, Long Beach, Presidential Salon.

Lovato, K. (2018). Panel Moderator: Research Methods Panel. Research to Resistance Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, Luskin School of Public Affairs, Los Angeles, CA. 

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2016, April). Presenter: Social Work Practice with Latinos. Social Work Lecture Series, California State University, Fullerton, Department of Social Work, Fullerton, CA. 

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2016, February). Presenter: Utilizing Play Therapy to Treat Trauma-Exposed Youth. Presentation, MSW 571, Social Work Perspectives on Developmental Psychopathology and Family Context, California State University, Fullerton, Department of Social Work, Fullerton, CA.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2015, October). The Impact of Global Immigration on Social Work Practice. Presentation, MSW 770, Cultural Diversity Course, California State University, Fullerton, Department of Social Work, Fullerton, CA.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2013, July). Presentation: Social Work Education: An Introduction to the Enhanced CalSWEC Field Initiative. CalSWEC Title IV-E Field Initiative Summer Institute, Berkeley, CA.

Lovato-Hermann, K. (2012, November). Presentation: Immigrant Child Well-Being.  Child and Adolescent Studies Symposium, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA.