"The Questions That Must Be Answered" - Jill Duerr Berrick Co-Authors Essay on Child Welfare

September 6, 2023

Professor Jill Duerr Berrick co-authored an essay for the Imprint on child welfare: "Seasons of sadness and confusion are a natural part of the life cycle for humans and their institutions. Although they are perhaps inevitable, they can be debilitating.

The child welfare profession is in the middle of such a season right now. Unable to recruit and retain enough qualified staff, struggling to manage the front door of the system, resorting to the use of hotels and even agency waiting rooms for hard-to-place youth, the situation appears far more precarious than in previous years.

As recently as a decade ago, we were hopeful that our goal of safely reducing the foster care population was possible and could be achieved through concerted, intentional and compassionate efforts to support families in their own homes and their own communities."

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