Dear Social Welfare Community,
We are living through a period of widening hate driven violence across our country and in many communities. Some communities have long been on the receiving end of such violence but it is clearly accelerating, whether the target is a Black church, a group of migrants crossing our borders, a Jewish synagogue, trans, intersex and gender-nonconforming individuals, political opponents or others, there is a sense of accelerating danger in our communities.
Speech matters. Hate groups have a long history in our country but when leaders in our nation denigrate others and align themselves with white nationalists or stand by idly when others do so, the hate clearly accelerates.
Our nation is voting now through mail or going to the polls next week in what could be a defining election that will start the road back to greater fairness, justice and civility or possibly unleash further fear-mongering and violence. I can't stress enough the importance of making your voice heard through your vote and non-violent actions.
I support Chancellor Christ's message below and call your attention to the links she has provided to supportive services.
In peace,
Dean Edleson