Ph.D. (expected 2024)
University of California, Berkeley, School of Social Welfare
Dissertation Title: An Analysis on the Perceptions of Youth Suicide and Risk Assessment Tools in Sacramento's Native American Community
Committee: Dr. Adrian Aguilera (Chair), Dr. Paul Sterzing, Dr. Peter Nelson
MSW (2020)
University of California, Berkeley
Concentration: Children & Families – Public Child Welfare
BA Native American Studies (2017)
University of California, Davis
B.A., Native American Studies with highest honors
Honor’s Thesis: Serving Decolonial Realness: Queer Visual Sovereignty, Memory, and Identity
Contact & CV
.pdf of CV available upon request
Research Interests
Critical Suicide Studies; Indigenous Mental Health; Indigenous Research Ethics, Methodologies & Methods; Computational Social Sciences; Digital Solutions to Health Disparities; The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978; Contemporary Yoeme (Yaqui) Language, Literature and Thought
2023 – 2024 Berkeley Connect Fellowship
University of California, Berkeley
2023 – 2024 Data Science Fellowship (Turned Down)
University of California, Berkeley Data Lab
2022 – 2024 Graduate Fellows Program
University of California, Berkeley Institute for the Study of Societal Issues
2021 – 2023 Computational Social Sciences Fellowship (NIH OBSSR T32)
University of California, Berkeley - Berkeley Institute for Data Science
2020 Graduate Remote Instruction Fellowship (Turned Down)
University of California, Berkeley
2019 Human Rights Center Fellow
University of California, Berkeley School of Law
2018 – 2020 Chancellor’s Fellowship
University of California, Berkeley
2017 Tribal Member Initiative Fellowship (Turned Down)
University of California, San Diego
2017 Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship (Turned Down)
University of California, Irvine
2017 Chancellor’s Fellowship (Turned Down)
University of California, Davis
2017 Community Fellowship
Elton John AIDS Foundation
2016 Beth Altier Fellowship in Native American Studies
University of California, Davis
2016 Provost Undergraduate Fellowship
University of California, Davis
2013 – 2017 Point Scholar
Point Foundation
Awards and Honors
2023 Teaching Effectiveness Award
University of California, Berkeley
2022 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award
University of California, Berkeley
2019 Brandon Harrison Award for Youth Leadership & Youth Organizing
The California Endowment
2017 C.N. Gorman Memorial Excellence Award
University of California, Davis
2017 Outstanding Senior Award
University of California, Davis
2016 David Risling Intertribal Award
University of California, Davis
2015 Undergraduate Award
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
2013 Genentech eQuality Scholar
eQuality Scholarship Collaborative
2010 Eagle Scout Rank
Boy Scout Troop 712 - Southern Sierra Council, Bakersfield, CA
Grant Awards
Research Grants
2022 – 2023 Center for Democracy and Organizing Research Grant
University of California, Berkeley Institute for Governmental Studies
Total: $5,000.00
Federal Grants
2021 – 2024 Indian Child Welfare Act Title II Grant
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior
Foster Care Services Department, American Indian Child Resource Center, Inc.
Total: $160,000.00
2019 – 2024 Garrett Lee Smith Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Grant
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Dept. of Health and Human Services
Community Health Department, Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc.
Total: $1,500,000.00
2019 – 2024 Strategic Prevention Framework – Partnerships for Success Grant
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Dept. of Health and Human Services
Community Health Department, Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc.
Total: $1,500,000.00
Journal Articles
Sierra, V. Q. (Under Review). Predicting Suicidal Ideation among Native American High Schoolers in California. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
Figueroa, C. A., Hernandez-Ramos, R., Boone, C. E., Gómez-Pathak, L., Yip, V., Luo, T., Sierra, V., Xu, J., Chakraborty, B., Darrow, S., & Aguilera, A. (2021). A Text Messaging Intervention for Coping with Social Distancing
During COVID-19 (StayWell at Home): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(1), e23592.
Study Registrations & Preprints
Sierra, V. Q. (Under Community Review). The HOPES Study: Helping Our People End Suicide Study. Information available at
Sierra, V. Q. (2023). Indigenous Wholistic Factors Project: Predicting Suicidal Ideation among Native American High Schoolers in California. Retrieved from
Sierra, V. Q. (2023). Predicting Suicidal Ideation among Native American High Schoolers in California. UC Berkeley: Institute for the Study of Societal Issues. Retrieved from
Manuscripts In Progress
Sierra, V. Q. (2023). The Helping Our People End Suicide Study: A Protocol Paper.
Sierra, V. Q. (2023). A Guide for Constructing Indigenous Statistical Spaces for Computational Research.
Book Chapters
Mallon, G. P., Karnoski, R., Stabbe, O., Waller, L., & Sierra, V. (2021). Social Work Practice with Trans & Gender Expansive Youth in Child Welfare Systems. In J. Shelton & G. P. Mallon (Eds.), Social Work Practice with Transgender and Gender Expansive Youth (3rd Edition). Routledge.
Opinion Editorials
Cesspooch, A., Kewenvoyouma, A., Sanchez, P., & Sierra, V. (2020, August 25). Native Student Organizations Want to Un-Name Kroeber Hall, are Frustrated with Faculty Pushback. The Daily Californian.
White Papers
Sierra, V. (2020). “The Spirit Endures: A Readiness Guide for the Implementation of State Tribal Title IV-E Agreements in California”. With the California Department of Social Services – Office of Tribal Affairs. Available upon request.
Research Presentations and Panel Presentations
Research Presentations
Sierra, V. Q. (Scheduled 2024). Predicting Suicidal Ideation among Native American High Schoolers in California. Oral presentation submitted to the 28th Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference. Washington, D.C.
Sierra, V. Q. (Scheduled 2024). A Guide for Constructing Indigenous Statistical Spaces for Computational Research. Oral presentation abstract accepted at the UC Berkeley 2024 Crossing Paths Research Symposium. Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2024, May). Predicting Suicidal Ideation among Native American High Schoolers in California. Oral presentation at the UC Berkeley Institute for the Study of Societal Issues Breaking Barriers, Building Community Research Symposium. Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2021, November). The Helping Our People End Suicide Study. Oral presentation at the UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare Research Colloquium. Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2019, November). The Spirit Endures: California Department of Social Services and the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978. Oral presentation at the UC Berkeley School of Law Human Rights Center Fellowship Symposium. Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2017, April). Serving Decolonial Realness: Queer Visual Sovereignty, Memory, and Identity. Paper presented at the UC Davis 6th Annual Native American Studies Graduate Student Symposium. Davis, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2016, August). Native American Voices in the Fight for Ethnic Studies. Paper presented at the 24th Annual McNair Scholars National Symposium. Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2016, April). Examining Cultural Competency and Native American Representations in 4th Grade Classrooms. Oral presentation at the Institute of American Indian Art 2nd Annual Indigenous Interventions Conference. Santa Fe, NM.
Sierra, V. Q. (2016, March). Patwin Elementary: What’s Wrong with Native American Representations in 4th Grade Classrooms. Oral presentation at the 44th National Association for Ethnic Studies Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ.
Lesansee, E., Maestas, J., O’ Grady, C., Petoskey, J., Rice, H., & Sierra, V. Q. (2023, June). Alumni Pride Month Panel. Panel presentation for the Nation Native American Law Association. Virtual.
Sierra, V. Q., Edd, S., & Reyes, E. (2022, April). Indigenous Relations and Unexpectedness. Panel facilitated at the 2nd Annual Indigenous Sound Studies Symposium at UC Berkeley. Berkeley, CA.
Evans, A., Croteau, A., Ghost, P., Rico, R., & Sierra, V. Q. (2022, March). Indigenous College and Career Panel. Panel presentation for the Sacramento Native American Health Center. Virtual.
Sierra, V. Q., Recollet, K., Reed, T., & Robinson, D. (2021, April). Indigenous Politics and Resistance in Sound. Panel facilitated at the 1st Annual Indigenous Sound Studies Symposium at UC Berkeley. Virtual.
Lucchesi, A., Montelongo, L., & Sierra, V. Q. (2019, March). Sovereign Bodies: Fighting Sexual and Gender-based Violence Against Indigenous People. Panel presentation for the UC Berkeley School of Law Human Rights Center Lecture Series. Berkeley, CA.
Cuevas-Romero, V., Colegrove, C., & Sierra, V. Q. (2019, March). Two-Spirit Talking Circles in Native American Cultures. Panel presentation for the UC Davis School of Medicine Diversity and Inclusion Dialogue Series. Sacramento, CA.
Grande, L., Growing Thunder, J., Romero, N., & Sierra, V. Q. (2016, November). Native Student Voices on Standing Rock. Panel presentation as part of the UC Davis Standing Rock Teach-In. Davis, CA.
Zepeda, S., Gonzales, P., Hernández-Ávila, I., & Sierra, V. Q. (2016, March). Red Medicine: Community Pláticas con Patrisia Gonzales on Indigenous Healing and Traditional Medicine Ways. Panel presentation as part of the Indigenous Knowledges Series for the UC Davis Mellon Social Justice, Culture, and (In)Security Research Initiative. Davis, CA.
Workshop and Invited Talks
Sierra, V. Q. (Scheduled 2023). Culture is Prevention: Shawl Making. Workshop facilitated at the Indian Health Service Sacred Oaks Healing Center. Davis, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2023, April). Shawl Making. Workshop facilitated as part of the Culture is Prevention Series at the Sacramento Native American Health Center. Sacramento, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2022, March). Talking Circle. Workshop facilitated as part of the Student Health and Wellness Series in collaboration with the UC Berkeley Native American Student Development Office. Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2021, October). Talking Circle. Workshop facilitated as part of the Student Health and Wellness Series in collaboration with the UC Berkeley Native American Student Development Office. Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2021, April). Digital Talking Circle. Workshop facilitated as part of the Student Health and Wellness Series in collaboration with the UC Berkeley Native American Student Development Office. Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2020, March). Digital Talking Circle. Workshop facilitated as part of the Student Health and Wellness Series in collaboration with the UC Berkeley Native American Student Development Office. Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2020, February). The Practice of Accountability. Workshop co-facilitated at the 2020 International Abolition Convergence. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Canceled due to COVID-19.
Sierra, V. Q. (2019, July). Yaqui Wood Block Printing. Workshop facilitated as part of the Culture is Prevention Series at the Sacramento Native American Health Center. Sacramento, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2017, April). Indigenous Voices Beyond the Border. Workshop co-facilitated as part of the 48th Annual Native American Culture Days at UC Davis. Davis, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2016, February). Indigenous Knowledges: Pedagogies, Spirit Work, and Storytelling. Workshop facilitated as part of the Indigenous Knowledges Series for the UC Davis Mellon “Social Justice, Culture, and (In)Security” Research Initiative. Davis, CA.
Invited Talks
Sierra, V. Q. (2023, February). Confronting White Supremacy. In SOCWEL114: Practice in Social Work: Spring 2023. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2022, September). Confronting White Supremacy. In SOCWEL114: Practice in Social Work: Fall 2022. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2022, February). Confronting White Supremacy. In SOCWEL114: Practice in Social Work: Spring 2022. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2021, December). Case Termination: Endings and Transitions. In SOCWEL114: Practice in Social Work: Fall 2021. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2021, October). Therapy with, by, and for Native American Clients. In MFT223: Marriage and Family Therapy with Diverse Populations: Fall 2021. Alliant International University, Sacramento, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2021, September). Confronting White Supremacy. In SOCWEL114: Practice in Social Work: Fall 2021. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Sierra, V. Q. (2021, July). The Spirit Endures: Indian Child Welfare Past, Present, and Future. In SOCWEL105: Child Welfare Policy: Summer 2021. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Research Experience
2020 – Current Lead Academic Researcher
Community Health Department, Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc.
- Graduate student researcher leading the Helping Our People End Suicide (HOPES) Study.
- Lead Academic Evaluator quantifying community health measures for the Garrett Lee Smith Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Program.
2019 – Current Lab Member
Digital Health Equity Access Lab, UC Berkeley
- Graduate student researcher supporting the StayWell at Home Study.
2019 – 2019 Research Assistant
Sovereign Bodies Institute
- Graduate student researcher supporting the maintenance of the SBI Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women database.
- Provided technical support documenting biographic and demographic information for input into the database.
- Assisted with community outreach and system partner networking regarding promotion of the database.
2015 – 2017 McNair Scholar & Researcher
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, UC Davis
- Research fellow receiving training from Dr. Jessica Bissett Perea and other McNair program staff.
- Principle Investigator for a multisite, archival research project on Native American student activism.
Teaching Experience
Associate Instructor – Fall 2023
University of California, Berkeley School of Social Welfare
SOCWEL114 – Introduction to Social Work Practice
Graduate Student Instructor – Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023
University of California, Berkeley School of Social Welfare
SOCWEL114 – Introduction to Social Work Practice with Associate Instructor Brenda Mathias
Teaching Assistant – Winter 2017
University of California, Davis Department of Native American Studies
NAS005 – Native American Studio Art with Professor Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie
Professional Licenses
2021 – Current Associate Clinical Social Worker
California Board of Behavioral Sciences
License #: ASW98814
Social Work Practice Experience
Clinical Social Work Experience
Foster Care Social Worker & Therapist, 2021 – 2023
American Indian Child Resource Center, Inc.
- Provided culturally relevant therapeutic services to American Indian/Alaska Native children.
- Offered case management services to children to promote successful family reunification.
- Certified resource families to secure placements in compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act.
Social Work Practice Experience
Health Program Manager, 2019 – 2020
Berkeley Student Cooperative, Inc.
- Directed health and wellness services for all cooperative members.
- Supervised 19 student health workers to implement health promotion programming.
Graduate Student Assistant, 2019 – 2020
California Department of Social Services – Office of Tribal Affairs
- Expanded strategic planning for the Indian Child Welfare Act Field Specialist Position Initiative.
- Formulated California’s State Tribal Title IV-E Agreement with the Yurok Tribe.
- Conducted empirical legal research on the Indian Child Welfare Act's impact on social work in California.
Evaluation Assistant, 2018 – 2019
Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc.
- Evaluated the Tribal Practices for Wellness in Indian Country grant.
- Initiated the Youth-to-Elder Connections suicide preventive intervention project.
- Executed grant writing efforts for the Youth Initiatives programming.
Youth Peer Support Specialist, 2017 – 2018
Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc.
- Managed the Native Youth Wellness Initiative grant.
- Delivered culturally relevant health education to American Indian/Alaska Native youth.
- Developed policies to increase HIV and other STI testing for health center patients.
Service to the University and Community
2023 Graduate Student Representative
Hiring Committee for Associate Director
UC Berkeley Native American Student Development Office
2023 Student Representative
Hiring Committee for Open-Rank Professor in Native American Community Health
UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare
2021 – Current Student Representative
Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce
UC Berkeley Counseling and Psychological Services
2019 Student Representative
Hiring Committee for Open-Rank Professor in Supporting Health Aging
UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare
2019 Student Representative
Indigenous Campus Building Renaming Project
UC Berkeley Office of the Chancellor
2019 Graduate Student Representative
Equity and Inclusion Committee
UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare
2019 Graduate Student Representative
Hiring Committee for Director
UC Berkeley American Indian Graduate Program
2018 Representative
Student Disability Justice Committee
UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare
2016 Student Representative
Recruitment Advisory Committee for Licensed Therapist (Native American Specialist)
UC Davis Counseling and Psychology Student Services
2015 – 2017 Student Representative
UC Davis Native American Retention Initiative
2015 Student Representative
Recruitment Advisory Committee for the Director of Strategic Native American Retention Initiatives
UC Davis
2019 Student Representative
UC Berkeley American Indian Commencement Planning Committee
2019 Co-President
UC Berkeley American Indian Graduate Student Association
2019 Volunteer
UC Berkeley Annual Campus Powwow
2018 – 2019 Member
Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. Evaluation Advisory Committee
2014 – 2017 Member
UC Davis Annual Campus Powwow & Native American Culture Days Planning Committee
Spanish – Intermediate reading, writing, and speaking
Yoem Noki (Yaqui Language) – Intermediate reading, writing, and speaking
Professional and Academic Affiliations
2019 – Current Native American and Indigenous Studies Association
2018 – Current Society for Social Work and Research
2018 – Current National Association of Social Workers
2017 – Current National Indian Child Welfare Association
2020 – Current Indigenous Sound Studies Working Group, UC Berkeley
2019 – Current Joseph A. Myers Center for Research on Native American Issues, UC Berkeley
2019 – Current Berkeley Center for Social Medicine, UC Berkeley
2018 – 2020 Indigenous Americas Working Group, UC Berkeley