
Events and Meetings

Dora Turkovich, Events Coordinator, manages events that build community and advance the academic mission of Berkeley Social Welfare.

Request event planning and logistics support Events Accessibility Event Accessibility Checklist


In addition to developing and implementing communications and marketing strategy, the Communications team also provides the below suite of services to faculty and staff. You may request any of the following support through our Communications Request Form.

Accessibility support

The Communications team can connect you with resources to ensure your research unit's website and social media content meets accessibility...


Haviland Hall is open to the public from 7:00am - 7:00pm, Monday - Friday. The wheelchair-accessible card key door on the north side of the building is automatically unlocked from 7:00am - 7:00pm, the wooden doors are unlocked and locked by custodial services on approximately the same schedule.

Building Hours and Accessibility Location Hours for Fall Semester 2024 (Monday - Friday) Haviland Hall external doors 7:00am - 7:00pm Dean's Office Suite (120) 9:00am - 12:00pm, 1:00 - 4:00pm ...


Anyone can sign documents using DocuSign. To gain access to send documents to others for signature(s), you must attend DocuSign User Training, which is required by the Berkeley eSignatures team for all users. Additional documentation is available on...

Professional Development Requests

For Instructional or Dean's Office employees interested in funding for professional development, please submit the Request Professional Development Funds form. Requests must be approved in advance of the activity.



It is the traveler's responsibility to understand and comply with the UC Travel Policy. The UC Travel website includes policy details for domestic travel, international travel, combined personal and business travel, dependent care, and more. For comprehensive details, refer to UC Policy G-28.

Booking Travel with...

Instructional Policies and Contacts

collapse all expand all Academic Calendar, Accomodations, and Class Schedule Academic Calendar

Berkeley is on a 15-week semester; the Reading/Review/Recitation (RRR) Week counts as the 15th week.

View, Download or Print Academic Calendar Academic Calendar: Berkeley...