Yu-Ling Chang

Job title: 
Associate Professor

Associate Professor Yu-Ling Chang's scholarly interests focus on the relationships among poverty, inequality and social safety net programs. Her research addresses both the process of policymaking and the consequences of public policies for economically disadvantaged populations. Her research agenda is informed by her professional experiences serving and advocating for individuals suffering from economic hardship during the global economic recession in the late 2000s.

Dr. Chang's current research projects investigate the racial equity and CalWORKs reforms in California State in the context of the global pandemic and the policy impacts of state Unemployment Insurance modernization on working families.

Her research has secured substantial support from leading regional and national research institutions, including the Family Self-Sufficiency and Stability Research Scholars Network Grant from the Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation of the Administration for Children and Families, the Early Career Research Awards from the Upjohn Institute, the GSR Award from the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, the Washington State Labor Research Grant from the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, the Social Policy Fellowship Program from the West Coast Poverty Center and the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) Training Grant from the National Poverty Center.

Dr. Chang is expanding her research scope from cross-state comparative research in the US to cross-national comparative research in a global context. She is engaged in international collaborations, including with the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong, the Department of Social Work at the National Taiwan University, and with the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland.

Dr. Chang earned her Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and Master of Social Work (MSW) from National Taiwan University. She also holds a PhD in social welfare from the University of Washington, with a concentration in public policy and management and a certificate in statistics track in social science.

.pdf of CV available upon request


  • SW 116 Current Topics in Social Welfare Policy: Poverty & Economic Justice
  • SW 220 Introduction to Social Welfare Policy
  • SW 298 Anti-Poverty Practice: A Financial Capability and Asset Building Approach


Academic and Research Appointments

University of California, Berkeley I 2016 - Present
Assistant Professor of Social Welfare 
Research Affiliate Faculty of Institute for Research on Labor and Employment
Research Affiliate of Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality

Teaching Interests and Experience

Poverty and inequality, social welfare policies, social work macro practice, policy evaluation

University of California, Berkeley
08/2017 - Present I Introduction to Social Welfare Policy (MSW course)

01/2020 I Anti-Poverty Practice: Financial Capability and Asset Building (MSW course)

09/2018 - Present I Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program

07/2017 & 01/2023 I Current Topic in Social Welfare Policy: Poverty and Economic Justice (BSW course)

University of Washington
01/2015 - 03/2015 I Poverty and Inequality, Sole-instructor (MSW course)

09/2014 - 12/2014 I Poverty and Inequality, Co-instructor (MSW course)

09/2014 - 12/2014 Introduction to Social Welfare Practice, Teaching Assistant (BSW course)

11/2013 I Time-Related Issues in Longitudinal Studies, Co-lecturer (PhD course)

04/2012 - 06/2012 I Macro Practice: Organizations and Policy Practice, Co-instructor (MSW course)

East China Normal University

03/2015 I The U.S. Poverty Measures and Income Support Policies, Guest Lecturer
National Taiwan University

06/2009 - 08/2009 I Social Work Practicum: Child and Family Service, Field Instructor

09/2004 - 06/2005 I Social Work Research Methods, Teaching Assistant (BSW course)

09/2003 - 06/2005 I Social Statistics, Teaching Assistant (BSW course)

National Taiwan Normal University

06/2009 - 08/2009 I Social Work Practicum: Child and Family Service, Field Instructor
Soochow University

06/2008 - 08/2008 I Social Work Practicum: Child and Family Service, Field Instructor

Research Experience 

Poverty and income inequality, social safety net policies and programs, comparative social welfare


01/2024 - Present I

Exploring New Frontiers in Social Welfare: A Comparative Study of Unconditional Basic Income in Taiwan and the United States, Principal Investigator

Examine the initial development and underlying factors of UBI pilot programs in Taiwan and the US, investigate how UBI can supplement current welfare systems, and assess its poverty reduction effects, and develop a tailored experimental farmwork to guide UBI implementation in a Taiwanese community.

01/2023 - Present I

Global Welfare Regime Project, Co-Principal Investigator

Collaborating with Dr. Julia Shu-Huah Wang at the National Taiwan University and social policy scholars from 20+ countries to investigate the features of global welfare regimes with a focus on social protection systems.

01/2020 - Present I 
Racial Equity in the TANF Service Delivery Path to Family Stability and Self-Sufficiency, Principal Investigator
Collaborating with the California Department of Social Service and the UCB-UCLA California Policy Lab; investigating racial disparities in welfare-to-work treatments and outcomes using multiple administrative datasets.

11/2020 - 08/2022

Poverty and Inequality in East Asia: Working Poverty and Anti-Poverty Policy in Four East Asian Societies, Co-Principal Investigator

Collaborating with Dr. Aya Abe at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Dr. Ji Young Kang at Chungnam National University, Dr. Jennifer Romich at the University of Washington, and Dr. Julia Shu-Huah Wang at the University of Hong Kong; investigating the status of working poverty and anti-poverty policies including social assistance, social insurance, and minimum wage in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong through a comparative lens.

02/2019 - 06/2020 
Social Equity of the Welfare Devolution Revolution: Examining CalWORKs Implementation in California, Co-Principal Investigator

Collaborating with Dr. Lucia Lanfranconi at the Lucerne University, Switzerland; analyzing cross-county welfare-to-work service indicators and conducting interviews with program administrators, frontline workers, and service users to examine the social equity issues in the CalWORKs service delivery systems.

09/2018 - 06/2023
The Gendered Effects of Unemployment Insurance Modernization Provisions on Benefit Receipt and Employment Patterns among Unemployed Family Caregivers, Principal Investigator

Using 2008 SIPP panel and 2003–2020 CPS data merged with state unemployment insurance policy data to examine the gendered effects of UI modernization on benefit receipt and subsequent employment outcomes among workers having responsibilities for family caregiving.

05/2017 - 12/2021 
Multiple Income Support Program Participation and Long-Term Employment and Earnings Trajectories among Single-Mother Families, Co-Principal Investigator

Collaborating with Dr. Chi-Fang Wu at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; using 2008 SIPP panel data to investigate patterns of multiple program participation and employment outcomes.

04/2017 - 12/2019
A Comparative Study on Poverty Dynamics in Taiwan and Southeast China, Co-Principal Investigator

Collaborating with Dr. Julia Shu-Huah Wang at the University of Hong Kong on qualitative analysis of long-term poverty experience among households in Taiwan and Shanghai.

08/2014 - 06/2016 
State Social Safety Net Programs and the Great Recession, Principal Investigator

(Three-Paper Dissertation Research Project)

Study 1: Longitudinal evaluation of the policy impacts of Unemployment Insurance modernization on economic security of working families

Study 2: State comparative research on Unemployment Insurance designs

Study 3: Qualitative case study on Washington State’s legislative reform of
the General Assistance program. 

01/2015 - 06/2016 
Chinese Children and Health Well-Being: Low Birthweight and Obesity Determinants and Disparities, Pre-doctoral Research Associate

Collaborated with Dr. Melissa Martinson at the University of Washington and Dr. Wen-Jui Han at the Institute for Social Development at NYU Shanghai on developing cross-national research partnership; conducting an analysis of childhood low birthweight and obesity.

06/2011 - 06/2016

How Safe are State Safety Nets? Pre-doctoral Research Intern 

Collaborated with Dr. Marcia K. Meyers at the University of Washington, Dr. Janet C. Gornick at the City University of New York and Dr. Sarah Bruch at the University of Iowa on analyzing policy indicators of ten social safety net programs; performing model-based cluster analysis on changing state welfare regimes from 1994 through 2014.

10/2013 - 07/2014

Economic Security of Working Families and Income Support Programs in Washington State, Principal Investigator (Social Policy Fellowship Research Project) Collaborated with the Washington State Budget and Policy Center on investigating economic well-being and social program participation of working families using large scale Census datasets (i.e., CPS, ACS, and SIPP).

01/2011 - 07/2011 

Race, Class, Place, and Educational Attainment for African American Students, Co-investigator

Performed geographically weighted regression analysis to examine the interaction effects of race, class, and place on educational attainment.

05/2007 - 09/2007 

Social Survey on Taipei 1206K03 Demolition in Zhongzheng District, Principal Investigator

Conducted a social survey on economic well-being and social needs of disadvantaged residents and offered recommendations for house demolition and relocation compensation policy in Taipei City.

04/2005 - 06/2006

Microenterprises of Low-Income Women, Principal Investigator

Conducted interviews with low-income women enrolling in governmental asset-building/micro-credit programs and offered recommendations for social assistance and work support policies in Taiwan.

Professional Experience

07/2020 - 06/2022 I Center for Financial Social Work
Certified Financial Social Worker
Provide peer mentoring and support for Financial Social Work students and graduates through online platforms.

10/2013 - 07/2014 I Washington State Budget and Policy Center

Policy Analyst Extern

Performed policy analysis on low-wage workers and income support programs in Washington State.

08/2006 - 06/2010 I Zhongzheng Social Welfare Center, Taipei City Government, Taiwan

Licensed Social Worker Provided public services and case management for poor/at-risk families. Managed social work field education programs.

02/2004 - 06/2004 I Modern Women’s Foundation, Taiwan


Provided integrated social and legal services to domestic violence victims.

09/2002 - 01/2003 I The Child Welfare League Foundation, Taiwan


Evaluated child day-care centers in Taipei. Assisted in developing a preschool curriculum.

07/2002 - 08/2002 I Shilin Social Welfare Center, Taipei City Government, Taiwan


Provided integrated social welfare services for low-income populations. Assisted in facilitating group therapy for children with emotional and behavioral issues.

Grants, Fellowships, and Scholarships

2023 - 2024 I Society of Hellman Fellows Fund ($59,106)

01/2020 - 12/2024 I Family Self-Sufficiency and Stability Research Scholars Network Grant, Administration for Children and Families ($467,585)

02 - 08/2023 I Playing Big Facilitators Training Scholarship ($2,592)

06/2018 I Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship ($5,000)

05/2018 I New Directions in Basic Income Workshop Training Grant, Policy Solutions at University of Michigan and Stanford Basic Income Lab

05/2017 I Institute for Research on Labor and Employment Research Grant ($15,825)

04/2015 - 06/2015 I Washington State Labor Research Grant ($34,535)

05/2015 I Teaching Poverty 101 Workshop Training Grant, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin‒Madison

01/2015 I Training Grant, Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington (UW)

02/2012 - 06/2014 I Social Policy Research Fellowship, West Coast Poverty Center, UW

06/2013 & 06/2014 I Survey of Income and Program Participation, Introduction & Advanced Workshops Training Grants, University of Michigan

07/2013 I Fragile Families Data Workshop Training Grant, Columbia University

08/2010 - 07/2023 I Studying Abroad Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Taipei, Taiwan

Awards and Honors

  • ACF Family Self-Sufficiency and Stability Research Scholars Network Grant, 2020-2025
  • W.E. Upjohn Institute Early Career Research Award, 2019
  • Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship, 2018
  • Institute for Research on Labor Employment Research Grant, 2017-2018
  • Society for Social Work and Research Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2017
  • Washington State Labor Research Grant, 2015
  • Social Policy Research Fellowship, West Coast Poverty Center, 2012-2014


Peer-Reviewed Articles 

(PRA 17) Chang, Y.-L. Keh, M.*, & Salazar, K.* (2025). Rethinking welfare-to-work programmes in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons from CalWORKs in the United States. British Journal of Social Workhttps://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcaf027

(PRA 16) Brown, C. B. * & Chang, Y.-L.(2024). Disaster relief and social welfare: Foundations of the ecosocial safety net in the United States. Journal of Social Policyhttps://doi.org/10.1017/S0047279424000126

(PRA 15) Chang, Y.-L. & Hodges, L. (2024). Did Unemployment Insurance Modernization provisions increase benefit receipt among economically disadvantaged workers? Social Service Review, 98(1). https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/728680

(PRA 14) Wu, C. F., Chang, Y.-L., Musaad, S, & Yoon, S. (2022). How do low-income single-mothers get by when unemployment strikes: Patterns of multiple program participation after transition from employment to unemployment. PLOS ONE, 17(9): e0274799. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0274799

(PRA 13) Chang, Y.-L., Romich, J., Ybarra, M. (2021). Major means-tested and income support programs for the working class, 2009-2019. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 695(1), 242-259. https://doi.org/10.1177/00027162211033524

(PRA 12) Chang, Y.-L. & Wu, C. F. (2021). Examining low-income single-mother families’ experiences with family benefit packages during and after the Great Recession in the United States. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 6(14), 265. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm14060265

(PRA 11) Lanfranconi, L., Chang, Y.-L., & Basaran, A.* (2021). At the intersection of immigration and welfare governance in the United States: State, county and frontline levels and clients’ perspectives. Journal of Social Policy Research, 66(4), 441-469. https://doi.org/10.1515/zsr-2020-0019

(PRA 10) Chang, Y.-L. & Romich, J. (2021). The U.S. social safety net since the Great Recession: Trends and reforms, 2007–2017. Social Work, 66(1), 29-37. https://doi.org/10.1093/sw/swaa047

(PRA 9) Lanfranconi, L., Chang, Y.-L., Das, A., & Simpson, P.* (2020). Equity versus equality: Discourses and practices within decentralized welfare-to-work programs in California. Social Policy & Administration(54)6, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12599

(PRA 8) Wu, C. F., Chang, Y.-L., Rhodes, E., Jung, W.* & Musaad, S. (2020). Work-hour trajectories and associated socioeconomic characteristics among single mothers. Social Work Research, 44(1), 47-57. http://doi: 10.1093/swr/svz029

(PRA 7) Chang, Y.-L., Lanfranconi, L., & Clark, K.* (2020). Second-order devolution and the hidden structural discrimination? Examining county welfare-to-work service systems in California. Journal of Poverty(24)5-6, 1-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10875549.2020.1728010

(PRA 6) Chang, Y.-L. (2020). Does state Unemployment Insurance modernization explain the trajectories of economic security among working households? Longitudinal Evidence from the 2008 Survey of Income and Program Participation. Journal of Family and Economic Issues(41), 200-217. https: //doi.org/10.1007/s10834-020-09661-4

(PRA 5) Chang, Y.-L. (2020). Unequal social protection under the federalist system: Three Unemployment Insurance approaches in the United States, 2007-2015. Journal of Social Policy (49)1, 189-211. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0047279419000217

(PRA 4) Chang, Y.-L. (2019). Social construction, knowledge utilization, and the politics of poverty: A case study of Washington State’s General Assistance reform. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 46(2), 75-100.

(PRA 3) Martinson, M. L., Chang, Y.-L., Han, W.-J., & Wen, J. (2018). Child overweight and obesity in Shanghai, China: Contextualizing Chinese socioeconomic and gender difference. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 25(1), 141-149.

(PRA 2) Chang, Y.-L. (2015). Re-examining the U.S. social safety net for working-age families: Lessons from the Great Recession and its aftermath. Journal of Policy Practice, 14(2), 139-161.

(PRA 1) Storer, H. L., Mienko, J. A., Chang, Y.-L., Kang, J. Y., Miyawaki, C., & Schultz, K. (2012). Moving beyond dichotomies: How the intersection of race, class and place impacts high school graduation rates for African American students. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 39(1), 17-45.
Manuscripts Under Review or In Progress (* designates mentee)

Manuscripts in Review or under Progress (*designates mentee)

Keh, M.*, Chang, Y.-L. (under review) Precarious work and family responsibilities: Examining the relationship of multiple dimensions of precarious work and time-based work-family conflict.

Hetling, A., Chang, Y.-L., Fox-Dichter, S., Brown, C. T.*, Rothwell, D., Gassman-Pines, A., Nikolova, K. (in progress). An equity analysis of state TANF caseload trends: Examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Chang, Y.-L. & Bruch, S. K. (in progress). US state safety net policy regimes in the post-welfare reform era. For American Sociological Review.

Chang, Y.-L. & Keh, M.* (in progress). The gendered effects of Unemployment Insurance on subsequent employment outcomes among unemployed workers with children. For Feminist Economics.

Chang, Y.-L. & Wang, J. (in progress). Simiulating unconditional basic income' effects on enhancing family benefit packages and mitigating poverty: A copmarative study of Taiwan and the United States.

Book Chapters

(BC 3) Fusaro, B. & Chang, Y.-L. (forthcoming). Income security and social welfare. In Encyclopedia of Social Work.

(BC 2) Aby, A., Chang, Y.-L., Kang, J. Y., Romich, J. & Wang, J. S.-H. (2022). Working poverty and anti-poverty policy in Four East Asian Societies. In I. Ku & P. Saunders (Eds.), Poverty and inequality in East Asia: Work, family and policy. Santa Barbara, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

(BC 1) Chang, Y.-L. (2017). An overview of the General Assistance. In R. Rycroft (Ed.), The American middle class: An economic encyclopedia of progress and poverty (pp.168-171). Santa Barbara, CA, USA: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood.

Other publications

(O 8) Chang, Y.-L., Gassman-Pines, A., Hetling, A, Nikolova, K., & Rothwell, D. (forthcoming). Navigating partnerships with state & local human services agencies: Lessons from researchers. Family Self-Sufficiency and Stability Research Scholars Network.

(O 7) Chang, Y.-L. (2021, October 19). Bridging Taiwan and the world – Using research to advocate for changes to social policies (in Chinese). Taiwan Global Professional & Scholar Networking Column.

(O 6) Chang, Y.-L. (2019, June 24). Unequal social protection in the United Sates: How do Unemployment Insurance programs vary across states? The Social Policy Blog.

(O 5) Chang, Y.-L. (2016). State social safety net programs and the Great Recession: The first line of defense and the last resort for the economically disadvantaged (Doctoral dissertation). University of Washington, Seattle Washington.

(O 4) Martinson, M. L., Chang, Y.-L., Han, W.-J., & Wen, J. (2015). Social determinants of child overweight and obesity in Shanghai, China: A cross-sectional child cohort survey. The Lancet, 386, S50.

(O 3) Bartle, E., Barretti, M., & Chang, Y.-L. (2015). Policy practice framework. In S. J. Roll (Ed.), Macro Practice in Social Work: From Learning to Action for Social Justice (pp. 23-27). Special Commission to Advance Macro Practice in Social Work. Work Group #2: Knowledge Development, Transmission, and Application.

(O 2) Rubin, A., & Babbie, E. R. (2007). Research methods for social work. (Chen, J.P., & Chang, Y.-L. et al., Trans.). Taipei: Wu-Nan Culture Enterprise. (Original work published 2005)

(O 1) Chang, Y.-L. (2006). Microenterprise experience of economically disadvantaged women in Taiwan (Master’s Thesis). National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.


Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

Chang, Y.-L., Keh, M.* & Brown, C. T.* (2024, November). Analyzing racial disparities in welfare sanction and employment outcomes amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from California's welfare-to-work system. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 46th Annual Conference, National Harbor, MD.

Hetling, A., Chang, Y.-L., Fox-Dichter, S., Brown, C. T.*, Rothwell, D., Gassman-Pines, A., Nikolova, K. (2024, November). An equity analysis of state TANF caseload trends: Examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 46th Annual Conference, National Harbor, MD.

Hetling, A., Chang, Y.-L. Gassman-Pines, A., Nikolova, K., Rothwell, D., Fox-Dichter, S., & Brown, C. T.*  (2024, May). Did TANF policy changes during COVID-19 matter? An examination of TANF caseloads by race and ethnicity2024 Research Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency. Washington, D.C.

Chang, Y-L. & Brown, C. T.* (2024, January). Uncovering racial disparities in local welfare-to-work program response to the COVID-19 pandemic in California. Society for Social Work and Research 28th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Keh, M.* & Chang, Y.-L. Examining trends and disparities in time-based work-family burden and conflict in the context of COVID-19: Evidence from American Time Use Survey (ATUS) data. Society for Social Work and Research 28th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Chang, Y-L. & Brown, C. T.* (2023, November). Uncovering racial disparities in local welfare-to-work program response to the COVID-19 pandemic in California. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 45th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Salazar, K.* & Chang, Y.-L. (2023, April). Conversation on the 4-year university experience of CalWORKs student-parents? 2023 CalWORKs Association Virtual conference.

Chang, Y-L. & Keh, M.* (2023, January). The future of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program? Lessons from the program responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in California. Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Keh, M.*, Salazar, K.* & Chang, Y.-L. (2022, August). A call for change in TANF to support low-income families with children: Examining the program’s responses to COVID-19 in California. Society for the Study of Social Problems 72nd Annual Conference, Log Angeles, CA.

Keh, M.*, Salazar, K.* & Chang, Y.-L. (2022, June). Reconciling work and family responsibilities: TANF program’s responses to the COVID-19 crisis in California. Work and Family Researchers Network 6th Biennial Conference, New York City, NY.

Chang, Y.-L. & Keh, M.* (2022, March). The gendered effects of unemployment insurance on subsequent employment outcomes among unemployed workers with children. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 43nd Annual Conference, Austin, TX.

Hodeges, L., Men, F., & Chang, Y.-L. (2022, March). The impact of Unemployment Insurance expansions on household well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 43nd Annual Conference, Austin, TX.

Keh, M.*, Salazar, K.* & Chang, Y.-L. (2022, January). Examining TANF program’s responses to the COVID-19 crisis in California. Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Lanfranconi, L., Chang, Y.-L. & Basaran, A.* (2021, August). Implementing equity or equality at the frontline in two contrasting welfare-to-work organizations in California. ISA Research Committee 19 on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy 2021 Annual Meeting, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Chang, Y.L., Xiang, G., Kang, J., Aya, A., Wang, J. S-H., & Romich, J. (2021, July). Low-paid work, poverty, and policy in East Asian Countries. Foundation for International Studies on Social Security 27th Annual Conference & East Asian Social Policy Research Network 17th Annual Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China.

Lanfranconi, L., Chang, Y.-L. & Basaran, A.* (2021, June). California’s Welfare-to-Work (WTW) program at the state-, county-, and frontline-level and from clients’ perspectives. Socio Congress 2021, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Chang, Y.-L. (2021, January). The gendered effects of Unemployment Insurance on subsequent employment outcomes among unemployed workers with children. Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference. [Virtual, originally scheduled in San Francisco, CA.]

Simpson, P.*, Lanfranconi, L., Chang, Y.-L., & Das, A. (2021, January). Equity versus equality: Discourses and practices within decentralized welfare-to-work programs in California. Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference. [Virtual, originally scheduled in San Francisco, CA.]

Basaran, A.*, Lanfranconi, L., & Chang, Y.-L. (2021, January). At the intersection of immigration and welfare governance in the United States: State-, county-, frontline-level and clients’ perspectives. Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference. [Virtual, originally scheduled in San Francisco, CA.]

Chang, Y.L., Romich, J., & Ybarra, M. (2021, January). Major means-tested and income support programs for the working class, 2009-2019. Conference: What has happened to the American working class since the Great Recession, Institute for Research on Poverty. [Virtual, originally scheduled in Washington, D.C.]

Chang, Y.L., Xiang, G., Kang, J., Lau, L., Wang, J. S-H., & Romich, J. (2020, December). Low-paid work, poverty, and policy in East Asian Countries. International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 19 on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy 2020 Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, Y.L. (2020, October). Service orientations, structural characteristics, and performance of county welfare-to-work service systems in California. 2020 Research Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency. [Virtual, originally scheduled in May in Washington, D.C.]

Chang, Y.L. (2020, October). Low-income mother families’ experience and family benefit packages and employment trajectories. 2020 Research Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency. [Virtual, originally scheduled in May in Washington, D.C.]

Chang, Y.-L. & Lanfranconi, L. (2020, January). Laboratories of welfare devolution revolution: Examining the implementation of welfare-to-work in California. Society for Social Work and Research 24th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Chang, Y.-L. (2020, January). The gendered effects of Unemployment Insurance modernization provisions on benefit receipt among unemployed workers with children. Society for Social Work and Research 24th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Wu, C. F., Chang, Y.-L., & Musaad, S. (2020, January). Sequences of multiple program participation and associated characteristics among single-mothers with employment instability. Society for Social Work and Research 24th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Chang, Y.-L. (2019, November). The gendered effects of Unemployment Insurance modernization provisions on benefit receipt among unemployed workers with children. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 41st Annual Conference, Denver, CO.

Wang, J. S.-H., Zhao, X., Chang, Y.-L., & Chen, H. (2019, July). Public and private safety nets for low-income families in Taipei and Shanghai: A qualitative examination. East Asian Social Policy 16th Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wu, C. F. & Chang, Y.-L. (2019, May). Multiple program participation and employment trajectories among single-mother families. NTU-UIUC Biannual Social Work Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, Y.-L., Wu, C. F., & Jung, W.* (2019, January). Multidimensional Economic Instability among single-mother families with Children. Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco.

Chang, Y.-L. & Wu, C. F. (2018, July). The association between income support program participation and long-term employment trajectory among low-income single-mother families during and after the Great Recession, 2008–2013. Social Policy Association Annual Conference, York, UK.

Chang, Y.-L. (2018, July). Unequal social protection under the federalist system: Three Unemployment Insurance approaches in the United States, 2007–2015. Social Policy Association Annual Conference, York, UK.

Chang, Y.-L. & Wu, C. F. (2018, January). The association between multiple income support program participation and long-term employment among single-mother families. Society for Social Work and Research 22nd Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Wu, C. F. & Chang, Y.-L. (2017, November). Multiple program participation and long-term employment and earnings trajectories among single-mother families. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 39th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Chang, Y.-L. (2017, January). Unequal social protection for workers: Exploring state Unemployment Insurance approaches before and after the Great Recession. Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Martinson, M. L., Chang, Y.-L., Han, W. J., & Wen, J. (2017, January). Disparities in access to healthcare: Children in Shanghai, China. Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Martinson, M. L., Chang, Y.-L., Han, W. J., & Wen, J. (2016, June). Child overweight and obesity in Shanghai, China. Joint World Conference Social Work, Education and Social Development, Seoul, Korea.

Chang, Y.-L. (2016, March). Economic restructuring, poverty discourses, and stratified social protection systems: A cross-national comparison of the U.S. and China. Relational Poverty Network 3rd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (accepted but not presented)

Martinson, M. L., Chang, Y.-L., Han, W. J., & Wen, J. (2016, January). Social determinates of child obesity in Shanghai, China: Comparing Chinses and US Disparity Patterns. Society for Social Work and Research 20th Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Martinson, M. L., Chang, Y.-L., Han, W. J., & Wen, J. (2015, November). Social determinates of child overweight and obesity in Shanghai, China: Understanding Chinese Disparities. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 37th Annual Conference, Miami, FL.

Martinson, M. L., Chang, Y.-L., Han, W. J., & Wen, J. (2015, October). Social determinates of child obesity in Shanghai, China. The Lancet-China Academy of Medical Sciences Health Summit, Beijing, China. Chang, Y.-L., Bruch, S. K., & Meyers, M. K. (2015, January). Exploring geographic disparities in the state social safety nets in the post-welfare reform era. Society for Social Work and Research 19th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. Chang, Y.-L. (2015, January). State Unemployment Insurance Modernization and economic recovery of American working-age families after the Great Recession. Society for Social Work and Research 19th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Chang, Y.-L. (2014, November). The effect of state Unemployment Insurance Modernization on the economic recovery of working families. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 36th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Chang, Y.-L. (2014, October). Re-examining policy and programmatic responses to poverty and the Great Recession. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Tampa, FL.

Chang, Y.-L. (2014, October). The politics of knowledge and poverty: A case study of recent policy reforms of the General Assistance program in Washington State. Relational Poverty Network 1st Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Chang, Y.-L. (2014, August). Re-examining the U.S. social safety net for working-age families: Lessons from the Great Recession and Its Aftermath. Society for the Study of Social Problems the 64th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Chang, Y.-L. (2014, May). Re-examining the policy responses of the U.S. social safety net during and after the Great Recession: Lessons for policy research and practice. Policy Conference 2.0, Austin, TX.

Chang, Y.-L. (2014, January). Knowledge, politics, and welfare reform: Examining policy changes in the General Assistance program in Washington State. Society for Social Work and Research 18th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Chang, Y.-L. & Meyers, M. K. (2013, January). Explaining state variation in welfare generosity of TANF and SNAP in the 2000s. Society for Social Work and Research 17th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Invited Professional Presentations

Chang, Y.-L. (2023, May). Social assistance programs in the United States. Global Welfare Regime Project virtual seminar, National Taiwan University.

Chang, Y.-L. (2023, April). Racial equity in the TNAF service delivery path to family stability and self-sufficiency. Family Self-Sufficiency and Stability Research Network Grantee Convening, Washington, D. C.

Chang, Y.-L. (2022, April). Social policy design and analysis through the lens of critical race theory. Virtual webinar, University of Hong Kong.

Chang, Y.-L. (2021, August). Reflections on my 11-year scholar career: Multiple pathways to improve public goods. Virtual webinar, Taiwan Government-Sponsored Scholar Network.

Chang, Y.-L. (2020, November). Racial Equity in the Path to Family Stability and Self-Sufficiency through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Doctoral Workshop, University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration.

Chang, Y.-L. (2020, March). Building a research partnership: Strengthening CalWORKs and social equity. The California Department of Social Service, Sacramento, CA.

Chang, Y.-L. (2018, April). Income support program participation and long-term employment among low-income single mothers during the Great Recession and its aftermath. Research Colloquium, School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley.

Chang, Y.-L. (2017, March). The US poverty measures and social safety net programs: Trends and Challenges. National Taiwan University Department of Social Work, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, Y.-L. (2015, December). State social safety net programs and the Great Recession: The first line of defense and the last resort for the economically disadvantaged. UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare Winter Public Lecture Series, Berkeley, CA.

Chang, Y.-L. (2015, April). State Unemployment Insurance Modernization and economic well-being of working families during and after the Great Recession. Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies & Center for Studies and Demography and Ecology joint seminar, Seattle, WA.

Chang, Y.-L. (2014, February). Public policies and economic security of working-age families. Graduate Student Research Symposium for the Washington State Legislature, Olympia, WA.

Chang, Y.-L. (2009, June). Social work interventions for at-risk families. Regional Conference for Prevention Services for At-Risk Families, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, Y.-L. (2008, December). A case study of using integrative social and health service to assist a depressed single mother to reconstruct her life. Case Conference for Community-Based Mental Health Service, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, Y.-L. (2007, March). Preventive services for children in at-risk families. Educational Training at the Dong Men Elementary School, Taipei, Taiwan.

Professional Affiliations and Service

Professional Affiliations

2021 - Present I East Asian Social Policy Research Network

2020 - Present I Financial Social Work Professional Network

2019 - Present I Scholars Strategy Network

2018 - Present I UK Social Policy Association

2017 - Present I Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequalit

2017 - Present I Institute for Research on Labor and Employmen

2016 - Present I Influencing Social Polic

2014 - Present I Council on Social Work Education

2014 - Present I Society for the Study of Social Problems

2014 - 2016 I Relational Poverty Network

2013 - Present I Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management

2011 - Present I Society for Social Work and Research

2003 - Present I Taiwan Association of Professional Social Workers

University Service

2023 - 2024 I UC Berkeley Haas Scholars Program, Mentor

2023 - Present I UC Berkeley Student Parent Center - CalWORKs = CalGRADS Project, Faculty Consultant

2023 - Present I UC Berkeley SSW Undergraduate Committee

2021 - Present I UC Berkeley SSW Search Committee, Member

2020 - 2023 I UC Berkeley SSW Doctoral Admission and Curriculum Committee, Faculty Member

2018  - 2022 I UC Berkeley SSW Secretary of the Faculty

2019 - 2020 I UC Berkeley SSW Doctoral Curriculum Committee, Chair

2017 - 2019 I UC Berkeley SSW Executive Committee, Senate Faculty Representative

2017 - 2020 I UC Berkeley SSW Doctoral Curriculum Committee, Faculty Member

2017 - Present I UC Berkeley SSW Doctoral Program Committee, Faculty Member

2017 - Present I UC Berkeley SSW MSW Program Strengthening Communities and Organizations, Faculty Member

12/2014 - 02/2015 I UW Doctoral Program in Social Welfare Admissions Committee, Doctoral Student Representative

05/2014 I UW Social Work Labor Justice Series: Minimum Wage Session, Moderator

Professional & Community Service

2023 I Mendocino County Cal-OAR System Improvement Plan, Community Partner and Collaborator

2022 I East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation VITA Program, Bilingual Volunteer Tax Preparer

2021 - Present I SSWR Special Interest Group: Policy Research & Social Work, Co-organizer

2019 - Present I Social Work Grand Challenges to Reduce Extreme Economic Inequality Working Group, Member

2017 - Present I Asian Pacific Islanders Social Work Educators Association Mentoring Program, Mentor

2014 - Present I Special Commission to Advance Macro Practice in Social Work Education, Member

2019 I SSWR Coffee with a Scholar Program, Mentor

2018 I SSWR Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee, Reviewer

2016 I Fremont Family Resource Center VITA Program, Bilingual Volunteer

2014 - 2015 I Society for Social Work and Research Doctoral Student Task Force, International Student Representative

2012 - Present I Taiwanese Social Work PhD Professional Network, Founder

Reviewer for Journals & Conferences

Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research

International Journal of Social Welfare

Journal of Social Policy

Social Policy & Society

Poverty & Public Policy

Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management Annual Conference (Poverty and Income Policy Cluster)

Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference (Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy Cluster)


June 2016 I PhD I University of Washington, School of Social Work 

                                Concentration in Public Policy and Management

                                Certificate in Statistics Track in Social Science

June 2006 I MSW I  National Taiwan University, Department of Social Work

                                   Concentration in Women and Gender Studies

June 2003 I BSW I National Taiwan University, Department of Social Work

Research interests: 
  • Poverty and Inequality
  • Unemployment and Labor Studies
  • Social Safety Net Programs / Income and Work Supports
  • Policy Analysis
  • International Social Welfare