Susan Stone

Job title: 
Interim Dean

Susan Stone is the Interim Dean for Berkeley Social Welfare as well as the Catherine Mary and Eileen Clare Hutto Professor of Social Services in Public Education at the School of Social Welfare.

An expert on social work in education and its impact on the academic progress of vulnerable youth in schools, Dr. Stone’s research interests include understanding family and school influences on child and adolescent academic performance, especially for urban and at-risk children and youth; parenting under stress; family treatment; linking families, schools, and communities; school-based social work practice; mixing quantitative and qualitative methods; and multi-level statistical modeling.

Dr. Stone is widely published in academic journals. Her 2010 publication, School Social Work: An Evidence-Informed Framework for Practice, offers school social work students and practitioners a new framework for choosing interventions based on a synthesis of evidence-based practice and recent conceptual frameworks of school social work clinical practice offered by leading scholars and policymakers.


To schedule a meeting with the Dean, please send your request to Please allow 2-3 business days for a response.

Awards and Honors

2020 Fellow of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. The Academy is an honorific society of distinguished scholars and practitioners dedicated to achieving excellence in the field of social work and social welfare through high-impact work that advances social good.

In the News

Trauma-informed approaches for individual and organizational resilience during COVID-19 with Dr. Joyce Dorado of UCSF (Berkeley Conversations 04.28.2020)

Expanded Publications

Stone, S., Astor, R., & Benbenishty, R. (in press). Teacher and principal perceptions of student victimization and the schools’ response to violence: The contributions of context on staff congruence. International Journal of Education Research.

Stone, S., Brown, T., & Hinshaw, S.P. (in press, 2010) ADHD-related school compositional effects: An exploration. Teachers College Record, 112(5).

Fulton, B.D., Scheffer, R.M., Hinshaw, S.P., Levine, P., Stone, S., Brown, T.T., & Modrek, S. (2009). National variation of ADHD diagnostic prevalence and medication use: Health care providers and education policies. Psychiatric Services, 60(8), 1075-1083.

Scheffler, R., Brown, T., Fulton, B., Hinshaw, S., Levine, P., & Stone, S. (2009). Positive association between ADHD medication use and academic achievement during elementary school. Pediatrics, 123(5), 1273-1279.

Kelly, M. & Stone, S. (2009). An analysis of factors shaping interventions used by school social workers. Children in Schools, 31(3), 163-176.

Jung S. & Stone, S. (2008). Socio-demographic and programmatic moderators of Early Head Start: Evidence from the National Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project. Children & Schools, 30(3), 149-157.

Stone, S. & Jung, S. (2008). County variation in child and adolescent health status and school district performance. American Journal of Public Health, 98(12), 2223-2228.

Stone, S. Education and social policy. (2008). In Midgley, J. (ed.). Handbook of social policy. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Stone, S. (2008). Non-academic needs of students: How can schools intervene?. In N. Gilbert & J. Berrick, (Eds.). Raising children (pp. 201-220). New York: Oxford.

Stone, S., Ekman, E., English, D., & Fujimori, S. (2008). Collaboration among social work and journalism students and faculty: An instructional model. Journal of Social Work Education, 41(1), 163-72.

Johnson, M.A., Stone, S., Lou, C., Vu, C., Ling, J., Mizrahi, P., & Austin, M. (2008). Family assessment in child welfare services: Instrument comparisons.Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 5(1/2), 57-90.

Lou ,C., Anthony, E., Stone, S., Vu, C., & Austin, M.J. (2008). Assessing child and youth well-being: Implications for child welfare practice. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work5(1/2), 91-134.

Johnson, M.A., Stone, S., Lou, C., Ling, J., Claassen, & Austin, M.J. (2008). Assessing parent education programs for families involved with child welfare services: Evidence and implications. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 5(1/2), 191-238.

Stone, S. (2007) Child Maltreatment, Out-of-Home Placement and Academic Vulnerability: A Decade Review of Evidence and Future Directions. Children & Youth Services Review.

Stone, S., Austin, M. J., & D'Andrade, A. (2007) Educational Services for Children in Foster Care: Challenges and Opportunities. Public Child Welfare.

Stone, S. & Gambrill, E. (2007) Do School Social Work Texts Provide a Sound Guide for Practice and Policy? Children in Schools.

Stone, S. (2006) Correlates of Change in Student Reported Parent Involvement in Schooling: A New Look at the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Phillippo, K. & Stone, S. (2006) School-Based Collaborative Team Tasks: An Exploratory Case Study. Children in Schools.

Jacob, R. & Stone, S. (2005) Teachers and students speak. Education Next, 5(1), 49-53.

Stone, S. & Han, M. (2005) Perceived school climate and perceived discrimination among children of immigrants. Children and Youth Services Review, 27(1), 51-66.

Stone, S., Engel, M., Nagaoka, J., & Roderick, M. (2005) Getting it the second time around: Student classroom experience in Chicago's Summer Bridge Program. Teachers College Record, 107(5), 935-957.

Stone, S. (2004) Reflecting on the social environment dimensions of HB&SE: An HB&SE faculty member as discussant. Journal of Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 10(3), 111-118

Stone, S. (2003) The transition to high school: Teacher perspectives in a large, urban, predominantly minority school system. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 12(1), 47-67.

Research interests: 
  • Community, Organizational and Policy Development
  • Systems of Care for Children/Families/Older Adults
  • School-Based Psycho-Social Services
  • School-Effects
  • Archival Data Analysis


(510) 643-6662
Haviland Hall 120