Susan Stone

Job title: 
Interim Dean

Susan Stone is the Interim Dean for Berkeley Social Welfare as well as the Catherine Mary and Eileen Clare Hutto Professor of Social Services in Public Education at the School of Social Welfare.

Her research agenda focuses on understanding and advancing the conditions and practices of school social work and other related service provision in educational settings to support the school experiences and trajectories of K-12 students, with a particular focus on equitable school policies, routines, and practices. She is interested in partnered research approaches, in which research questions and procedures are co-constructed with community partners, gaining and applying knowledge that is responsive to the community’s interests and needs. She brings considerable experience in school administrative data analysis. 

Dr. Stone is widely published in academic journals. She was elected to the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare in 2020 and was elected to its Board in 2023.

Awards and Honors

2023 - Chancellor’s Public Service Award for Campus-Community Partnerships
SFUSD-UC Berkeley Research Practice Partnerships

2022 - Elected Board Member
American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare

2020 - Fellow
American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare

2014 - Inaugural Fellow
Society for Social Work and Research

2012-2016 - Fellow/Discussant
Roundtable on Science in Social Work, Society for Social Work and Research

2010 - Teacher of the Year, Social Welfare Graduate Assembly, School of Social Welfare, University of California at Berkeley

2003 - Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley

1998 - Dissertation Fellowship, American Educational Research Association

1991 - Wilma Walker Honor Award for Future Achievement in Social Work, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago

1990 - University Affiliated Program Fellow, Institute for the Study of Developmental Disabilities, University of Illinois at Chicago

In the News

Trauma-informed approaches for individual and organizational resilience during COVID-19 with Dr. Joyce Dorado of UCSF (Berkeley Conversations 04.28.2020)

Expanded Publications


Brekke, J. & Anastas, J. and the Islandwood Group (Eds.) (2018). Social work science: Towards a new identity.  New York:  Oxford University Press.

Kelly, M.S., Raines, J.C., Stone, S. & Frey, A. (2010). School social work: An evidence-informed framework for practice. New York, NY:  Oxford University Press.

Special Issue Editor

Villarreal Sosa, L. & Stone, S. (Eds.) (2020). Racial inequities, racial justice, and school social work [Special Issue]. Children and Schools, 42(3).

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Martinez, L.S., Howard, R.C.. Schotland, M., Lobb, R., Battaglia, T., Stone, S., Auerswald, C., & Ozer, E. (2023). Community engagement and financial arrangements: Navigating institutional change. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 7 (1), e261

Kim, M, Shapiro, V., Ozer, E., Stone, S., Villa, B., Schotland, M.,  Kohashi, C. (2023). University’s absorptive capacity for collaborative research: examining challenges and opportunities for organizational learning to engage in research with community partners. Journal of Community Practice, 31(4), 397-409.

Chow, J., Cai, Y., Gu, T., Lv, Y., Ren, C., Stuart, M., & Stone, S. (2019). Using big data for rural left-behind children welfare policy research. Social Security Studies, 62 (5), 79-87. (in Chinese).

Charles, J. & Stone, S. (2019). Revisiting the visiting teacher: Relearning the lessons of the whole-child approach. Social Service Review,93(4), 833-861.

Whitaker, K., Stone, S.I., Anyon, Y., Blankenbaker, S., & Rozum, A. (2019). Academic, psychosocial, and demographic correlates of school-based health center utilization: Patterns by service type. Child and Youth Care Forum, 48(4), 545–562.

Bishop, M., Melamed, G. & Stone, S. (2019). Positive bicultural identity development curriculum: A pilot evaluation. Children & Schools, 41(3), 131–139.

Stone, S. & Charles, J. (2018).Conceptualizing the problems and possibilities of interprofessional collaboration in schools. Children & Schools, 40, 71-81. 

Stone, S. (2017). Racial equity, schools, and social work.  Psychology in the Schools, 54, 1238-1244.

Park, S., Stone, S., & Holloway, S. (2017). School-based parental involvement as a predictor of achievement and school learning environment: An elementary school-level analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 82, 195-206.

Rose, R. & Stone, S. (2017).  Social work research applications of instrumental variable estimation: Designs that address compliance, dosage, and mediation.  Journal of the Society of Social Work Research, 8(3), 471-492.

Anyon, Y., Gregory, A., Stone, S. I., Farrar, J., Jenson, J. M., McQueen, J., Downing, B., Greer, E. & Simmons, J. (2016). Restorative interventions and school discipline sanctions in a large urban school district. American Education Research Journal, 53(6), 1663-1697.

Engel, M., Claessens, A., Watts, T., & Stone, S. (2016).  Socioeconomic inequality at school entry: A cross-cohort comparison of families and schools. Children and Youth Services Review, 71, 227-232

Stone, S. & Uretsky, M. (2016).  School correlates of academic behaviors and performance among McKinney-Vento-identified youth.  Urban Education, 51(6), 600-628,

Uretsky, M. & Stone, S. (2016). Factors associated with exit exam completion among homeless high schools students. Children and Schools, 38(2), 91-98.

Ayasse, R. & Stone, S. (2015).  Growth of school social work services in an urban district:  A case study. Children and Schools, 37(4), 215-222.

Hawkins, J. D., Jenson, J. M., Catalano, R., Fraser, M.W., Botvin, G.J., Shapiro, V., Hendricks Brown, C., Beardslee, W., Brent, D., Leslie, L.K., Rotheram-Borus, M. J., Shea, P., Shih, A., Anthony, E., Haggerty, K.P., Bender, K., Gorman-Smith, D., Casey, E., & Stone, S. (2015). Unleashing the power of prevention. Discussion Paper, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, Washington, DC.

Stone, S. & Zibulsky, J. (2015). Maltreatment, academic difficulty, and systems-involved youth: Current evidence and opportunities.  Psychology in the Schools52(1), 22-39

Stone, S. (2015). School social work in the United States:  Current evidence and future directions. Arbor. 191 (771), a201. doi:

Stone, S. (2014). Contemporary quantitative methods and “slow” causal inference: Response to Palinkas. Research on Social Work Practice, 24(5), 552-555

Stone, S., Whitaker, K., Anyon, Y. & Shields, J. (2013). The relationship between use of school-based health centers and student-reported school assets. Journal of Adolescent Health, 53(4), 526-532.

Anyon, Y., Horevitz, L., Moore, M., Whitaker, K., Stone, S. & Shields, J. (2013).  Risk behaviors, race, and use of school-based health centers: Policy and service recommendations.  Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 40(4), 457-468.

Phillipo, K. & Stone, S. (2013).  Teacher role breadth and its relationship to student-reported teacher support.  High School Journal, 96(4), 358-379.

Stone, S., Shields, J. P., Hilinski, A., & Sanford, V. (2013). Association between addition of learning support professionals and school performance: An exploratory study. Research on Social Work Practice, 23(1), 66-72.

Moore, M., Fawley-King, K., Accomazzo, S., & Stone, S. (2013).  Incorporating journal clubs into social work education: An exploratory model. Journal of Social Work Education, 49(2), 353-360.

Lee. E. & Stone, S. (2012). Co-occurring internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems: The mediating effect of negative self-concept. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41(6), 717-31.

Talbot, L.S., Gruber, J., Stone, S., Hairston, I.S., Eidelman, P., & Harvey, A.G. (2012). A test of the bidirectional association between sleep and negative mood in bipolar disorder and insomnia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121(1), 39-50.

Stone, S. & Rose, R. (2011).  Social work research and endogeneity bias.  Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 2(2), 54-75.

Rose, R. & Stone, S. (2011).  Instrumental variable estimation in social work research: A technique for estimating causal effects in non-randomized settings. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 2(2), 76-88.

 Mackey, A.P., Hill, S.S., Stone, S.I., & Bunge, S.A. (2011). Differential effects of reasoning and speed training in children. Developmental Science, 14(3), 582-590. 

Phillippo, K., & Stone, S. (2011). Toward a broader view: A call to integrate knowledge about schools into social work.  Children & Schools,33(2), 71-81.

Anthony, E.A. & Stone, S.  (2010). Individual and contextual correlates of adolescent health and well-being.  Families in Society, 91(3), 225-233.

Stone, S., Raman, A., & Fleming, S.  (2010).  Behavioral characteristics among obese/overweight inner-city African American children: A secondary analysis of participants in a community-based Type 2 diabetes risk reduction program. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(6), 833-839.

Unick, J. & Stone, S. (2010).  State of modern measurement in social work research. Social Work Research, 34(2), 94-101.

Stone, S., Brown, T., & Hinshaw, S.P. (2010) ADHD-related school compositional effects:  An exploration.  Teachers College Record, 112(5), 1275-1299.

Stone, S., Astor, R., & Benbenishty, R. (2009).  Teacher and principal perceptions of student victimization and the schools’ response to violence:  The contributions of context on staff congruence.  International Journal of Education Research, 48, 194-213.

Stone, S., Brown, T., & Hinshaw, S.P. (in press, 2010). ADHD-related school compositional effects: An exploration. Teachers College Record, 112(5).

Fulton, B.D., Scheffer, R.M., Hinshaw, S.P., Levine, P., Stone, S., Brown, T.T., & Modrek, S. (2009). National variation of ADHD diagnostic prevalence and medication use: Health care providers and education policies. Psychiatric Services, 60(8), 1075-1083.

Scheffler, R., Brown, T., Fulton, B., Hinshaw, S., Levine, P., & Stone, S. (2009). Positive association between ADHD medication use and academic achievement during elementary school. Pediatrics, 123(5), 1273-1279.

Kelly, M. & Stone, S. (2009). An analysis of factors shaping interventions used by school social workers. Children in Schools, 31(3), 163-176.

Jung S. & Stone, S. (2008). Socio-demographic and programmatic moderators of Early Head Start: Evidence from the National Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project. Children & Schools, 30(3), 149-157.

Stone, S. & Jung, S. (2008). County variation in child and adolescent health status and school district performance. American Journal of Public Health, 98(12), 2223-2228.

Stone, S. Education and social policy. (2008). In Midgley, J. (ed.). Handbook of social policy. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Stone, S. (2008). Non-academic needs of students: How can schools intervene?. In N. Gilbert & J. Berrick, (Eds.). Raising children (pp. 201-220). New York: Oxford.

Stone, S., Ekman, E., English, D., & Fujimori, S. (2008). Collaboration among social work and journalism students and faculty: An instructional model. Journal of Social Work Education, 41(1), 163-72.

Johnson, M.A., Stone, S., Lou, C., Vu, C., Ling, J., Mizrahi, P., & Austin, M. (2008). Family assessment in child welfare services: Instrument comparisons.Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 5(1/2), 57-90.

Lou ,C., Anthony, E., Stone, S., Vu, C., & Austin, M.J. (2008). Assessing child and youth well-being: Implications for child welfare practice. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work5(1/2), 91-134.

Johnson, M.A., Stone, S., Lou, C., Ling, J., Claassen, & Austin, M.J. (2008). Assessing parent education programs for families involved with child welfare services: Evidence and implications. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 5(1/2), 191-238.

Stone, S. (2007) Child Maltreatment, Out-of-Home Placement and Academic Vulnerability: A Decade Review of Evidence and Future Directions. Children & Youth Services Review.

Stone, S., Austin, M. J., & D'Andrade, A. (2007) Educational Services for Children in Foster Care: Challenges and Opportunities. Public Child Welfare.

Stone, S. & Gambrill, E. (2007) Do School Social Work Texts Provide a Sound Guide for Practice and Policy? Children in Schools.

Stone, S. (2006) Correlates of Change in Student Reported Parent Involvement in Schooling: A New Look at the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Phillippo, K. & Stone, S. (2006) School-Based Collaborative Team Tasks: An Exploratory Case Study. Children in Schools.

Jacob, R. & Stone, S. (2005) Teachers and students speak. Education Next, 5(1), 49-53.

Stone, S. & Han, M. (2005) Perceived school climate and perceived discrimination among children of immigrants. Children and Youth Services Review, 27(1), 51-66.

Stone, S., Engel, M., Nagaoka, J., & Roderick, M. (2005) Getting it the second time around: Student classroom experience in Chicago's Summer Bridge Program. Teachers College Record, 107(5), 935-957.

Stone, S. (2004) Reflecting on the social environment dimensions of HB&SE: An HB&SE faculty member as discussant. Journal of Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 10(3), 111-118

Stone, S. (2003) The transition to high school: Teacher perspectives in a large, urban, predominantly minority school system. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 12(1), 47-67.

Book Chapters

Stone, S. (2024). Mediating Mental Health Diagnoses in Schools Settings. In Franklin, C. (Ed.)The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for Schools (pp. 153-163). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Mulkern, P., Reide Combs, C.R., Stone, S. (2021). Working in a school setting: what you need to know from day one. In Cox, T., Fitzgerald, T.D., & Alvarez, M. (Eds.). The Art of Becoming Indispensable: What School Social Workers Need to Know in their First Three Years of Practice. New York: Oxford University Press

Stone, S. (2019). Educational settings and wicked problems.  In Noll, J.  & Panlilio, C. (Eds.). Trauma informed schools: How child maltreatment prevention, detection, and intervention can be integrated into the school-setting (pp. 79-91). New York: Springer.

Stone, S. & Floersch, J. (2018). The Science in Social Work meetings: Process, content, and context.  In Brekke, J. & Anastas, J. and the Islandwood Group (Eds.). Social work science: Towards a new identity (pp. 3-22). New York:  Oxford University Press.

Stone, S. & Moragne, K. (2016). The changing contexts of school social work practice. In L. Villareal Sosa, T. Cox, & M. Alvarez (Eds.), School social work: National perspectives on practice in schools (pp. 69-82).  New York:  Oxford University Press.

Stone, S., Anyon, Y.T., Berzin, S., Taylor, S., & Austin, M. (2012).  Human behavior and the social environment: Exploring conceptual foundations. In B.A. Thyer, C.N. Dulmus, & Karen M. Sowers (Eds.). Human behavior in the social environment: Theories for social work practice (pp. 1-46). New York: Wiley.

Stone, S.  Education and social policy. (2009). In Midgley, J. & Livermore, M (Eds.).  Handbook of social policy (2nd ed.) (pp. 507-523). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Stone, S., Berzin, S., Taylor, S., & Austin, M. (2008).  Human behavior and the social environment: Exploring conceptual foundations.  In K. M. Sowers & C. N. Dulmus (Series Eds.) & B.A. Thyer (Vol. Ed.). Comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare:  Vol. 2. Human behavior in the social environment (pp. 1-38).  New York: Wiley.

Stone, S. (2008).  Non-academic needs of students: How can schools intervene?.  In N. Gilbert & J. Berrick, (Eds.). Raising children (pp. 201-220). New York: Oxford.

Research Monographs, Digests, Reports

SFUSD-UC Berkeley Research Practice Partnership (2024). Developing and Sustaining Health and Psychosocial Service Infrastructure in Schools.

SFUSD-UC Berkeley Research Practice Partnership (2024). CCT Attendance Plan Analysis

SFUSD-UC Berkeley Research Practice Partnership. (2022). Integrating Administrative Data Analysis and Student Voice to Understand Patterns in Student Engagement and Attendance.

SFUSD-UC Berkeley Research Practice Partnership (2021). Attendance Plan and Scoping Review

Tepper, R., Stone, S.  & Roderick, M. (2004) Ending social promotion in Chicago: Impacts on instruction.  Chicago:  Consortium on Chicago School Research.

Roderick, M., Engel, M., Nagaoka, J., Jacob, B., Degener, S., Orfel, A., Stone, S., & Bacon, J. (2003).  Ending social promotion in Chicago: Results from Summer Bridge. Chicago:  Consortium on Chicago School Research.

Roderick, M., Stone, S., Chiong, J. & Waxman, E. (1998). Changing standards, changing relationships: Building family-school relationships to promote student achievement in Chicago high schools. Chicago:  Consortium on Chicago School Research.

Roderick, M., Arney, M., Axelman, M., DaCosta, K., Stone, S., Villarreal Sosa, L., & Waxman, E. (1997). Habits hard to break: A new look at truancy in Chicago public schools.  Chicago:  Consortium on Chicago School Research.

Book Reviews

Stone, S. (2019). Review of Ewing, E. Ghosts in the schoolyard: Racism and school closures on Chicago’s south side. In Social Service Review, 93(2), 362 -365

Stone, S.  (2008).  Review of Pianta, R., Cox, M., & Snow, K. (Eds.).  School readiness and the transition to kindergarten in the era of accountability.  In International Journal of Social Welfare, 17(1), 105-106.

Stone, S. (2006).  Review of Benbenishty, Rami & Astor, Ron (2004). School violence in context. London: Oxford University Press.  In Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 33(2), 151-153.

Stone, S. (2003). Review of Weinstein, Rhona (2002). Reaching higher: The power of expectations in schooling. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. In Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 31(11), 239-240.  

Stone, S. (1996).  Review of Winters, Wendy Glasgow (1993) African-American mothers and urban schools:  The power of participation. New York: Lexington Books.  In  Social Service Review, 70 (1), 166-168

Research interests: 
  • Community, Organizational and Policy Development
  • Systems of Care for Children/Families/Older Adults
  • School-Based Psycho-Social Services
  • School-Effects
  • Archival Data Analysis


(510) 643-6662
Haviland Hall 120