Joe Magruder serves as an associate specialist for Berkeley Social Welfare's California Child Welfare Indicators Project (CCWIP).
Dr. Magruder is a social work researcher who specializes in analyzing longitudinal administrative data to understand children’s experience in the child welfare system. He is especially interested in the long-term effect of child welfare decisions on children’s lives.
Dr. Magruder came to Berkeley after working as a child welfare program specialist for the California Department of Social Services for several decades where he focused on the system changes necessary to realize permanency. He is an adoptive parent who lives with his wife in Berkeley.
Expanded Publications
Putnam-Hornstein, E., Schneiderman, J., Cleves, M., Magruder, J., & Krous, H. (2013) A prospective study of sudden unexpected infant death after reported maltreatment. The Journal of Pediatrics. In Press.
Putnam-Hornstein, E., Webster, D., Needell, B., Magruder, J. (2011) A public health approach to child maltreatment surveillance: Evidence from a data linkage project in the United States. Child Abuse Review 20, 256-273.
Shaw, T.V., Putnam-Hornstein, E., Magruder, J., & Needell, B. (2008). Measuring racial disparity in child welfare. Child Welfare 87(2), 23-36. (Republished in Green, D., Belanger, K., McRoy, R. & Bullard L. (Eds) (2011). Challenging Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare (pp. 35-44). Washington: Child Welfare League of America.)
Magruder, J., Shaw, T.V. (2008). Children ever in care: An examination of cumulative disproportionality.Child Welfare 87(2), 169-188. (Republished in Green, D., Belanger, K., McRoy, R. & Bullard L. (Eds) (2011). Challenging Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare (pp. 53-63). Washington: Child Welfare League of America.)
Lery, B., Shaw, T. V., Magruder, J. (2005). Using Administrative Child Welfare Date to Identify Sibling Groups. Children and Youth Services Review, 27(7), 783-791.
Magruder, J (1994). Characteristics of relative and non-relative adoptions by California public adoption agencies. Children and Youth Services Review, 16(1/2), 123-31.
- Child Welfare