Estimating the Effect of Timing of Earned Income Tax Credit Refunds on Perinatal Outcomes: A QuasiExperimental Study of California Births

Publication date: 
November 7, 2023
Publication type: 
Journal Article
Karasek, D., Batra, A., Baer, R., Chambers, B., Feuer, S., Fuchs, J., Gómez, A.M., Kuppermann, M., Prather, A., Pantell, M., Rogers, E., Snowden, J.M,, Torres, J., Rand, L., Jelliffe-Pawlowski, L.L., Hamad, R. (2023). Estimating the Effect of Timing of Earned Income Tax Credit Refunds on Perinatal Outcomes: A QuasiExperimental Study of California Births. BMC Public Health 23(2180).