Congratulations to the Berkeley Social Welfare faculty, students, and researchers presenting at the annual SSWR conference in Washington, DC. Names of presenting authors are in bold.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Population Dynamics Modelling of Child Maltreatment Populations
Wei Wu Tan, PhD, PhD Student and Research Assistant, University of Melbourne; Arno Parolini, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne; Daniel Webster, PhD, Principal Investigator, California Child Welfare Indicators Project
3:15 - 4:45 p.m.
Racial Disparities in Office Discipline Referrals: Examining the Role of Social Emotional Competence
B. K. Elizabeth Kim, PhD, Assistant Professor, USC; Jennifer Fleming, MS, Research Associate, Devereux Foundation; Paul LeBuffe, MA, Director, Devereux Foundation; Valerie Shapiro, PhD, Associate Professor
Expulsion in Early Schooling: Unpacking Disparities and Predictors in California's Public Elementary Schools
Brita Bookser, MA, Doctoral Student; Susan Stone, PhD, Catherine Mary and Eileen Clare Hutto Professor of Social Services in Public Education
Father Eligibility for Engagement in Child Welfare Services (poster presentation)
Julia Hernandez, MSW, Doctoral Candidate; Cristina Gomez-Vidal, MSW, Doctoral Student
Friday, January 17, 2020
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
The Gendered Effects of Unemployment Insurance Modernization Provisions on Benefit Receipt Among Unemployed Workers with Children
Yu-Ling Chang, PhD, Assistant Professor
Frontline Worker Perspectives on Providing Intensive, Family-Focused Welfare-to-Work Services
Sarah Carnochan, PhD, Research Director; Aditi Das, PhD, Post Doctoral Fellow; Michael Austin, PhD, Professor
Creating New Anchors: Social Work's Role in Transforming the Criminal Legal System (roundtable)
Erin Kerrison, PhD, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley; Sophia Sarantakos, MSW, LCSW, University of Chicago; Shannon Sliva, PhD, University of Denver; Mark Plassmeyer, MSW, University of Denver
Persisting Is the New Dropout: Addressing Gaps in the Current Understanding of Non-Graduation (roundtable)
Susan Stone, PhD, Professor, UC Berkeley; Mathew Uretsky, PhD, Portland State University; Hyuny Clark-Shim, BA, Portland State University
Barriers to Father Engagement in the Child Welfare System
Julia Hernandez, MSW, Doctoral Candidate; Cristina Gomez-Vidal, MSW, Doctoral Student
Bringing Maternal and Infant Health to Life: Provider Perspectives on the Social Determinants of Health Framework (poster presentation)
Margaret Mary Downey, MSW, Doctoral student
9:45 – 11:15 a.m.
Laboratories of Welfare Devolution Revolution: Examining the Implementation of Welfare-to-Work in California
Yu-Ling Chang, PhD, Assistant Professor; Lucia Marina Lanfranconi, PhD, Professor, Lucerne University of Applied Science, Switzerland
Role of Community Based Organizations in Countering Carceral Logics
Aditi Das, PhD, Post Doctoral Fellow; Theresa Anasti, PhD, Assistant Professor, Oakland University, Rochester, MI Rachel Wells, MSW, MUP, Doctoral Candidate, UCLA
Thriving & Black: How to Thrive As a Black Women in the Academy (workshop)
Tina Sacks, PhD, Assistant Professor; Quenette Walton, PhD, University of Houston; Tyreasa Washington, PhD, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Gina Samuels, PhD, University of Chicago
Examining Potential Gender Bias in the Child Welfare System: A Comparison of Father and Mother Engagement (poster presentation)
Julia Hernandez, MSW, Doctoral Candidate; Mayra Cazares, MSW, Doctoral Student
12:45 – 1:45
Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health (special interest group)
Jeffrey Jenson, PhD, University of Denver; Valerie Shapiro, PhD, Associate Professor
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Invited Symposium I Social Work's Response To Anti-Semitism in the United States
Tina Sacks, PhD, UC Berkeley; Laura Abrams, PhD, UCLA; Cherie Brown, National Coalition Building Institute; Rafael Engel, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
3:45 – 5:15 p.m.
Invisible Visits: How Race and Gender Affect Healthcare
Tina Sacks, PhD, Assistant Professor
State-Level Income and Racial Inequity and Pregnancy Orientation: Differential Effects By Race/Ethnicity
Anu Gomez, PhD, Assistant Professor; Jennet Arcara, MPH, MPP, Research Associate; Julia Hernandez, MSW, Doctoral Candidate
Sociodemographic Differences in the Identification of Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation Risk and Victimization
Ivy Hammond, MSW, Doctoral Student; Joseph Magruder, PhD, Specialist; Jaclyn E. Chambers, MSW, PhD Candidate
"Being on SSI Is a Full-Time Job:" Criminalized and Invisibilized Labor of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries
Katie Savin, MSW, PhD Student
4:00 – 5:30
LGBTQ Youth & Young Adults
Paul Sterzing, PhD (moderator)
Saturday, January 18, 2020
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
A Progress Report from the Grand Challenge to Ensure Healthy Development for All Youth (roundtable)
Valerie Shapiro, PhD, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley; Jeffrey M Jenson, PhD, University of Denver; J David Hawkins, PhD, University of Washington; Kimberly Bender, PhD, University of Denver; Richard Catalano, PhD, University of Washington
Approval to Exclude Unauthorized Immigrants Declining Prior to 2016 Presidential Election: A Multilevel Logistic Regression Analysis (poster presentation)
Douglas Epps, MSW, Doctoral Student
9:45 – 11:15 a.m.
Engaging Families in Services to Reduce Future System Involvement: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Ivy Hammond, MSW, Doctoral Student; John Prindle, PhD, Research Faculty, UCLA; Emily Putnam-Hornstein, PhD, Associate Professor, UCLA
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Theorization of Whiteness in Social Work (poster presentation)
Joshua Gregory, MSW, Doctoral Student
Sunday, January 19, 2020
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Outpatient Civil Commitment Reduces Safety-Risks Associated with Episodes of Severe Mental Illness
Steven Segal, PhD, Professor; Stephania Hayes, MA, Doctoral Student; Lachlan Rimes, BA, Analyst, Department of Health and Human Services, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
The Spatial Topology of Violence and Safety for Youth Experiencing Homelessness
G. Allen Ratliff, MSW, Doctoral Candidate; Marguerita Lightfoot, PhD, Professor, UCSF; Sherilyn Adams, MSW, Executive Director, Larkin Street Youth Services; Colette Auerswald, MD, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley
From Warm Handoff to Wrap Around Care: Emergency Department Provider Perspectives (poster presentation)
Laura Brignone, MSW, PhD Candidate; Louisa Kornblatt, BA, MSW/PhD Student; Anu Gomez, PhD, Assistant Professor
Community Engagement As a Predictor of Social Capital: An Analysis from the Knight Soul of the Community Study (poster presentation)
Brenda Mathias, MSSA, PhD Student; Cheng Ren, MSSA, PhD Student; Julian Chow, PhD, Professor
9:45 – 11:15 a.m.
Does Father Engagement Improve Child Welfare Outcomes?: An Examination of the Relationship between Permanency Outcomes and Father Engagement in the Child Welfare System
Julia Hernandez, MSW, Doctoral Candidate; Mayra Cazares, MSW, Doctoral Student
Social Work and Health Equity: A Critical Framework for Building a Culture of Health (roundtable)
Cristina Gomez-Vidal, MSW, UC Berkeley; Matthew Bakko, MSW, MA, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Alberto Cifuentes, Jr., LMSW, University of Connecticut; Monica Gutierrez, MSW, Arizona State University; Sireen Irsheid, MSW, LCSW, University of Chicago
Interventions Promoting Reunification
Jill Duerr Berrick, PhD, Professor (moderator)
Adverse Impacts of War and Displacement on Syrian Refugee Children (poster presentation)
Niveen Rizkalla, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Laila Soudi, MS, Stanford Refugee Research Project, Stanford University; Suher Adi, BA, Research assistant; Rahma Arafa, BA, Student; Nour Mallat, Research assistant; Steven P. Segal, PhD, Professor
12:00 p.m.
Trends in Non-Profit Sectors: A Predictive Analysis of Agency Longevity in the US
Cheng Ren, MSSA, PhD Student; Brenda Mathias, MSSA, PhD Student; Julian Chow, PhD, Professor; Yuwen Lyu, MSW, Visiting Scholar