Demond Hill

Headshot of Demond Hill


PhD (2024 Expected)

University of California, Berkeley, School of Social Welfare

Dissertation: “Emotions at Play: Exploring the Social Dimensions of Emotions among Black Children across Educational Spaces”

Committee: Bianca Baldridge (co-chair), Susan I Stone (co-chair), Dacher Keltner, Nikki Jones, Kris Gutierrez, and Linda Burton

M.A. Educational Policy Studies (2020)

University of Wisconsin, Madison

B.A. Education (2018)

Edgewood College

Minor: Broad Field Social Studies 

Contact & CV


.pdf of CV available upon request

Research and Teaching Interests

Child and Youth Development; Social and Emotional Development; Developmental Science; Emotion Science;

Mental Health; Well-Being; Stress; Race and Education; Black Studies and Education; Play Studies; Qualitative

Research Methods, Mixed Method Research Methods


Peer-Reviewed Articles

Mathias, B. & Hill, D (2023). Neighborhood Institutions and Well-being: Youth Perspectives from East Oakland. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research

Lea, C.H., III; Crumé, H.J.; & Hill, D. (2020). “Traditions Are Not for Me”: Curriculum, Alternative Schools, and Formerly Incarcerated Young Black Men’s Academic Success. Soc. Sci, 9, 233.

Book Chapters

Hill, D. & Ballard, A (accepted). In the Meantime, In Between Time: Advancing Culturally Sustaining Social and Emotional Learning in Schools. Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education

Articles in Press

Hill, D. (accepted). “For Those Who Love Black Children”: A Conceptualization of Radical and Liberatory Possibilities of Play for Black Children. The Critical Social Educator.

Hill, D.; Mathias, B. (forthcoming). “Moving Towards Freedom”: Locating Liberation in Black Youth Workers & Community-Based Educational Spaces.

Invited Commentaries, OpEds, Other Publications

Hill, D. “For Black Children, Play Can Be Transformative,” The Greater Good Science Center Magazine, University of California-Berkeley, August 10th, 2021. (

Research Experience

Present Graduate Research Assistant

Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions Center – 2023

University of California, San Francisco

Advisor: Elissa Epel, PhD

Present Graduate Research Assistant

Berkeley Social Interaction Lab – 2021

University of California, Berkeley

Advisor: Dacher Keltner, PhD

Lead Investigator

Greater Good Science Center – 2021

University of California, Berkeley

Advisor: Dacher Keltner, PhD; and Emiliana Simon-Thomas, PhD

Lead Investigator

The American Cultures Center – 2021

University of California, Berkeley

Advisor: Andrea Wise and Victoria Robinson

Lead Investigator

Department of Ethnic Studies – 2021

University of California, Berkeley

Advisor: Keith Feldman, PhD; and Juana Maria Rodriguez, PhD

Graduate Research Assistant

School of Social Welfare – 2021

University of California, Berkeley

Advisor: Linda Burton, PhD

Lead Investigator

Kidd Research Lab – 2020

University of California, Berkeley

Advisor: Celeste Kidd, PhD

Graduate Research Assistant

Educational Policy Studies, 2019 – 2020 

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Advisor: Bianca Baldridge, PhD

Graduate Research Assistant

School of Human Ecology, 2019 – 2020 

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Advisor: Kendra Alexander, PhD

Graduate Research Assistant

Schools of Education and Human Ecology, 2019 – 2020

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Advisor: Bianca J. Baldridge, PhD; Erica C. Bullock, PhD; John Diamond, PhD; and Kendra Alexander, PhD

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Department of English, 2017 – 2018

Edgewood College

Advisor: Ashley Byock, PhD

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Office of Student Development, 2017 – 2018

Edgewood College

Advisor: Anthony Chambers, PhD

Fellowships, Research Grants, and Special Honors


  • Fellow, Contemplative Changemaking Grant, Mind and Life Institute, 2023
  • Fellow, Mentored Research Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 2022
  • Fellow, Greater Good Science Center & Karuna Happiness Foundation, University of California, Berkeley, 2021
  • Fellow, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Finalist, University of California, Berkeley, 2021
  • Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Finalist - Alternate, 2021
  • Summer Research Fellows, School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley, 2020-2022
  • Outstanding Peer Mentor Nominee, University of California, Berkeley, 2020
  • Fellow, Pathway to Professoriate, University of California, Berkeley, 2020
  • Fellow, Remote Instruction Innovation, University of California, Berkeley, 2020
  • Fellow, Activist-Scholar, University of California, Berkeley, 2020
  • Fellow, Advanced Opportunity, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2028-2020
  • Fellow, Grow Your Own Fellowship, Edgewood College, 2015-2018

Teaching Experience

Child Development from Infancy to Adolescence in its Social Context

Graduate Student Instructor – School of Social Welfare

University of California, Berkeley

Spring 2023

Introduction into Social Welfare, Sports, and Social Justice

Lead Instructor – School of Social Welfare

University of California, Berkeley

Summer 2022

Freshman Composition

Lead Instructor – School of African American Studies

University of California, Berkeley

Fall 2021

Seeing People: Understanding Homelessness’ Roots, Stigmas, Systems, and Solutions

Graduate Student Instructor – School of Public Health

University of California, Berkeley

Fall 2021

Social-Emotional Learning Across the Life Span

Lead Instructor – PEOPLE Program

University of Wisconsin, Madison


Deconstructing, Redefining, and Healing the Black Body

High School Teacher – Middleton High School

Middleton, WI

Fall 2019

Evaluation and Strategic Planning for Nonprofit & Community Organizations

Graduate Student Instructor – School of Human Ecology

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Fall 2019

Hip-Hop & Contemporary American Society

Graduate Student Instructor –African American Studies

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Fall 2018-2020

Community Development, Leadership, and Change

Lecturer – Office of Student Involvement and Inclusion

Edgewood College

Fall 2018-2020

Hip-Hop Evolution

High School Teacher – Middleton High School

Middleton, WI

Fall 2018

Introduction to the English Language


San Jose, Costa Rica

Fall 2017

Introduction to the English Language


Granada, Nicaragua

Fall 2017

Selected Scholarly Presentations

Hill, D. (2023). For Those Who Love Black Children: A Conceptualization of the Radical and Liberatory Possibilities of Play for Black Children. International Play Association Triennial World Conference. Glasgow, Scotland.

Hill, D. (2023). Moving Towards Freedom: Exploring the Life Stories of Black Youth Workers in Community-Based Educational Spaces. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Phoenix, AZ. Hill, D. (2022). Black Children and the Sociology of Emotions: The Life Stories of Black Children’s Everyday Emotions in Educational Spaces. International Summer School in Affective Sciences. Chateau De Bossey, Switzerland.

Mathis, B.; Hill, D. (2022). Neighborhoods and Youth Voice: A Qualitative Exploration of Local Neighborhood Institutions Influence on Young Person’s Well-Being. The People, Place, and Policy Annual Conference. Sheffield, England.

Hill, D.; Mpondo-Dika, E. (2022). Emotional Stratification and the Legacies of Inequality: An Exploration of Emotions as Central to the Reproduction and Reduction of Inequality. International Society for Research on Emotion. Los Angeles, CA

Hill, D. (2022). For Those Who Love Black Children: A Conceptualization of the Radical and Liberatory Possibilities of Play for Black Children. Society for Affective Science. Virtually Hosted.

Grace, W.; Hill, D. (2022). Intersectionality-Informed Bioecological-Oriented Developmental Science: Examining Social Construction and Black Boys’ Development. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

Hill, D. (January 2022). For Those Who Love Black Children: A Conceptualization of the Radical and Liberatory Possibilities of Play for Black Children. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Washington, D.C.

Hill, D.; Connolly, L.; Freiburger, K. (2021). In the Meantime, In Between Time: Abolition, The Role of Social Work[ers], and Liberatory Futures in the Lives of Black Youth. Radical Love Across Difference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Hill, D. (2019). Rethinking the Black Child Adultifcation. End Abuse 2020 Teen Summit. Madison, WI

Hill, D. (2019). Moving Towards Freedom: An Afrofuturistic Approach to Liberation for Community-Based Spaces & Youth Workers. Educational Policy Studies Conference. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Byock, A.; Hill, D.; Johnson, S. (2018). Mapping African American

Selected Invited Presentations/Talks

Hill, D. (May 2023). Blackness, Happiness, & Well-Being: A Critical Exploration of 15 GGSC Happiness Practices. Greater Good Science Center. University of California, Berkeley.

Hill, D. (April 2022). A Critical Shift in Our Gaze: Exploring the Relationship between Blackness, Childhood, and the Ecology of Emotions. Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions Center. University of California, San Francisco.

Hill, D. (November 2022). The Science of Happiness and Joy. Global Joy Summit (Virtual).

Hill, D. (February 2022). For Those Who Love Black Children: A Conceptualization of the Radical and Liberatory Possibilities of Play for Black Children. First Educational Resources. Summit on Civil Rights in Education (Virtual).

Hill, D. (2021). Racialized Social and Emotional Development of Black Children and Youth. Social Interaction Laboratory. University of California-Berkeley.

Hill, D. (2021). Moving Towards Freedom: Locating Liberation in Black Youth Workers & Community-Based Educational Spaces. Social of Social Welfare. University of California-Berkeley

Hill, D. (2021). “For Those Who Love Black Children”: A Conceptualization of Radical and Liberatory Possibilities of Play for Black Children. Providence College (Virtual).

Hill, D. (2019). Healing Power of Hip Hop. Community-Based Crime Reduction Institute. City of Madison

Hill, D. (2019). Program Evaluation and Racial Identity Development. City of Madison

Hill, D. (2019). The Construction and Performativity of Identity. Edgewood College

Hill, D. (2019). Liberatory Youth Organizing. Equity Institute. Middleton High School

Hill, D. (2019). Gentrified Lives: The Repercussions of Gentrification on Black Youths Social and Emotional Development. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Hill, D. (2019). Community Building, Identity Development, and Healing. Rock River Charter School. Janesville, WI

Hill, D. (2019). The Black Panther Party 101: Black Panthers Party’s Role in Combatting Food Injustice. Edgewood College

Hill, D. (2018). The Beauty of Being Black: Community-Based Spaces as Sites of Black Joy. Office of State Relations. Madison, WI

Department and Campus Service

Underrepresented Researchers of Color Program | Mentor
2022 – present 

Firebaugh Scholars Program | Mentor
2021 – present

Incarceration to College Program | Mentor
2021 – present

Berkeley Hopes Scholars | Mentor
2021 – present 

Diversity, Equity, and Campus Climate | Elected Representative
2021 – 2022 

Graduate Program Council | Member
2019 – 2020 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee | Member
2019 – 2020

Community Engagement

The Black Child Flourishing Project | Program Director | San Francisco, CA
2023 – present 

Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services | Social, Emotional, & Behavioral Intervention Specialist | San Francisco, CA
2023 – present 

Black Youth Alternatives | Social and Emotional Well-Being Specialist | San Francisco, CA
2021 – 2022 

Shoestring Children’s Center | Social and Emotional Intervention Specialist | San Francisco, CA
2021 – 2022 

The Healing Power of Hip-Hop Program | Program Coordinator | Madison, WI
2019 – 2020

Madison Area Urban Ministry | Program Coordinator | Madison, WI
2019 – 2020 

Black Boys Free Program | Social and Emotional Intervention Specialist | Madison, WI
2019 – 2020 

UW-Extensions | Programmatic and Curriculum Development | Madison, WI
2019 – 2020 

Rape Crisis Center | Youth Violence Prevention Specialist | Madison, WI

Rape Crisis Center | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategist | Madison, WI

Professional Memberships and Affiliations

American Sociological Association

Association of Black Sociologists

American Educational Research Association

American Psychological Association Sociology of Education Association

Child Development

Society for Research in Child Development

Social-Emotional Learning Alliance for the United States