David Lindeman


Affiliated faculty member David Lindeman is director of UC Berkeley's CITRIS Health Initiative. He also serves as director of the Center for Technology and Aging, which was developed with support from the SCAN Foundation, and co-director of the Center for Innovation and Technology in Public Health, which advances the use of technology to support population health. He joined CITRIS in 2013.

Previously, Dr. Lindeman was the founder and director of the Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging in Evanston, Ill., where he was responsible for developing and implementing evidence-based applied research programs, demonstration projects, education programs and dissemination initiatives. He has held positions as associate professor of health policy at the Rush Institute for Healthy Aging, Rush University Medical Center and as co-director of the University of California, Davis Alzheimer's Disease Center.

Dr. Lindeman is a Berkeley Social Welfare alumni. He earned his DSW in 1987 and MSW 1980.