Julian Chun-Chung Chow

Job title: 

Hutto-Patterson Charitable Foundation Professor Julian Chun-Chung Chow is a leading scholar in community practice. His research looks at why racial/ethnic and immigrant minorities struggle to access available services, aiming to identify ways to transform social services for the underserved and improve service delivery for immigrant populations and communities. His recent projects examine social services for China's migrant populations as well as social work education and its development in China.

Honors and Awards

  • Recipient of the 2020 Honorary Member for The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China
  • Model Alumni, Tunghai University Alumni Association, Taiwan, 2018
  • Outstanding American by Choice Recognition, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 2016
  • Distinguished Alumni Lectureship Award, Tunghai University, Taiwan, 2005, 2016
  • Top University Strategic Alliance Teaching Opportunities Award, Taiwan Ministry of Education, 2016
  • Society for Social Work and Research Fellow, 2016-
  • Fulbright Scholar (Hong Kong), 2011
  • Academic Exchange Visiting Scholar Award, City University of Hong Kong, 2010
  • Emerging Scholar Award, Association for Community Organization and Social Administration, 1999

Expanded Publications

Wang, X., Xu, S., Zhuo, Y., & Chow, J. (2022). Higher income but lower happiness with left-behind experience? A study of long-term effects for China’s migrants. Applied Research in Quality of Life. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-022-10092-6

Xiao, Y., & Chow, J. (2022). Essential worker parents and children in Covid-19: Unpacking sex, income, and racial disparities in mental health trajectories. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 56, Supp 1, S171-S171. DOI: 10.1093/abm/kaac014

Xiao, Y., Chow, J., Han, K., & Wang, S. (2022). Expenditure patterns among low-income families in China: Contributing factors to child development and risks of suicidal ideation. Journal of Community Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22826

Lyu, Y., Chow, J., Hwang, J., Li, Z., Ren, C. & Xie, J. (2022). Psychological well-being of left-behind children in China: Text mining of the social media website Zhihu. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2127; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19042127

Chow, J., Pathak, L., & Yeh, S. (2021). Using mobile apps in social work behavioral health care service: The case for China. International Social Work, 64(5), 689–701. doi: 10.1177/00208728211031953

Chow, J., Yang, P., & Eden Social Welfare Foundation (eds.). (2021). Developmental social work: Dialogue with social innovation. Taipei, Taiwan: Eden Social Welfare Foundation & Chuliu Publisher.

He, X., Wang, F., Lyu, Y., Wang, S., & Chow, J. (2020). Public health social work professional education and curriculum design: A competence-based analysis framework. Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, Social Science Edition, 35 (5), 50-63. (in Chinese)

Lyu, Y., Chow, J., & Hwang, J. (2020). Exploring public attitudes toward child abuse in mainland China: A sentiment analysis of China’s social media Weibo. Children and Youth Services Review, 116, 105250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105250

Gu, T., Chow, J., & Li, H. (2020). Crisis and response of urban children under major health emergencies. Social Security Studies, 2020(4), 58-69. (in Chinese)

Ren, C., Stuart, M., & Chow, J. (2020). Computational social welfare: Applying data science in social work. In E. Mullen (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780195389678-0286

Chow, J., Cai, Y., Gu, T., Lv, Y., Ren, C., Stuart, M., & Stone, S. (2019). Using big data for rural left-behind children welfare policy research. Social Security Studies, 2019(5), 79-87. (in Chinese).

Chow, J., Vu, C., Garcia, I., & Reisch, M. (2019). Human services in the United States: A focus on safety net programs for ethnic minority and immigrant families. In M. Reisch (Ed.), Social policy and social justice (3th ed) (pp. 439-462). San Diego, CA: Cognella Press

Chow, J., Ren, C., Mathias, B. & Liu, J. (2019). InterBoxes: A social innovation in education in rural China. Children and Youth Services Review, 101, 217-224.

Cai, Y., Zhou, M, & Chow, J. (2019). A study on the influence of air pollution on labor supply: Based on the perspective of healthy human capital. Social Security Studies, 62 (1), 59-68. (in Chinese)

Chow, J., Guo, C., Zhang, C., & Zhu, X. (2018). Social service needs of migrant workers in the service industry from the perspective of developmental social work – The LH Children's Recreation Park. In J. S. Huang & L. C. Chen (Eds.), Developmental social work: Advancing policy and practice (pp. 445-474). Taipei, Taiwan: Songhui Publications. (in Chinese)

Liu, L. & Chow, J. (2018). From "saving children" to "promoting safe and stable families": The evolution of family preservation services for abused children in the USA. Xueqian Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Pre-School Education Research), 2018(6), 3-13. (in Chinese)

Sacks, T. & Chow, J. (Guest Eds.). (2018). Special Issue: Community Responses to Criminalization in Communities of Color: Interventions to Address Racial Justice. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 27(3), 215-218.

Chow, J., Vu, C., & Garcia, I. (2017). Human services in the United States: A focus on safety net programs for ethnic minority and immigrant families. In M. Reisch (Ed.), Social policy and social justice (2nd ed) (pp. 433-456). San Diego, CA: Cognella Press.

Du, P. & Chow, J. (2017). Interdisciplinary collaboration in social work education in the US and implications for China. Gansu Social Science, 2017(3), 130-137. Reprinted in Social Work, 2017(9), 13-20. (in Chinese)

Wu, F., Chow, J. & Liu, Y. (2016). Lessons for purchase of service contracting from the US experiences and its implications to China: A case study of public service. Journal of Public Administration, 52(4), 4-22. (in Chinese)

Chow, J. (2016). Developmental Social Work in Practice: A Community-Based Participatory Research Study. InJS. Huang & LC. Chen (Eds.),Developmental Social Work in Practice: Theory and Practice(pp. 17-26). Taipei, Taiwan: Songhui Publications. (in Chinese)

Chow, J., & Lou, C. (2015). Community-based approaches to social exclusion among rural-to-urban migrants in China. China Journal of Social Work, 8 (1), 33–46.

Chow, J., & Vu, C. (2014). Human services in the United States: A focus on safety net programs for ethnic minority families and children. In M. Reisch (Ed.),;Social policy and social justice (pp. 431-455).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Chow, J. (2013). Social policy and poverty alleviation programs: Implications for Asian countries. In Zhao, Y., Huang, C-C., Zhao. R., & Edwards, R. L. (Eds.), The Comparative Study of Social Work Education in China and the United States(pp.133-144). Beijing, China: Social Sciences Academic Press. (in Chinese)

Chow, J., & Peng, C. (2013). Community-needs assessment. In E. Mullen (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. NY: Oxford University Press.

Horevitz, E., Lawson, J., & Chow, J. (2013). Examining cultural competence in health care: Implications for social workers.  Health & Social Work, 38, 135-145. doi:10.1093/hsw/hlt015.

Wu, G., & Chow, J. (2013). Social service utilization, sense of community, family functioning and the mental health of new immigrant women in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health10, 1735-1746. doi:10.3390/ijerph10051735

Chow, J. (2012). Social exclusion: Challenges for community practice. In N. P. Ngai, X. P. Guan, S. Ngai, & X. Huang (Eds.), Social policies and services in Chinese societies: Issues and opportunities(pp. 225-234). Beijing, China: Social Sciences Academic Press. (in Chinese)

Chow, J. & Cheng, L. Guest Editors. (2011). Special Issue: Social Policy, Communities, and Social Development. Social Development Issues, 33 (1).

Chow, J. & Vu, C. (2011). English language learning, job skills development, and welfare-to-work services in immigrant communities. Social Development Issues, 33 (1), 46-59.

Xu, Q. & Chow, J. (2011). Exploring the community-based service delivery model: Elderly care in China. International Social Work. 54 (3), 374-387.

Chow, J., Auh, E., Scharlach, A., Lehning, A., & Goldstein, C. (2010). Types and sources of support received by caregivers from diverse racial and ethnic groups. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 19 (3), 175-194.

Xu, Q., Perkins, D., & Chow, J. (2010). Local political participation, sense of community and social capital: China’s experience. American Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 259-271.

Austin, M., Johnson, M., Chow, J., De Marco, A., & Ketch, V. (2009). Delivering welfare-to-work services in county social service organizations: An exploratory study of staff perspectives.Administration in Social Work, 33 (1), 105-126.

Han, M. & Chow, J. (2009). What changes MSW students' view on the mission of social work? Social Work Education, 29 (2), 205-221.

Han, M. & Chow, J. (2009). Post Traumatic Stress among Refugees and Veterans. In Edith Chen & Grace Yoo (eds.), The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today, (pp. 821-828). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing.

Chow, J. & Austin, M. (2008). The culturally responsive social service agency: The application of an evolving definition to a case study. Administration in Social Work, 32 (4), 39-64.

De Marco, A., Austin, M. & Chow, J. (2008). Making the transition from welfare to work: Employment experiences of CalWORKs participants in the San Francisco Bay Area. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 18 (4), 414-440.

Scharlach, A., Giunta, N., Chow, J., & Lehning, A. (2008). Racial and ethnic variations in caregiver service use. Journal on Aging and Health, 20 (3), 326-346.

Chow, J., Yoo, G., & Vu, C. (2007). Welfare reform and the delivery of welfare-to-work programs to AAPIs: What Works? AAPI Nexus: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Policy, Practice and Community, 5 (2), 77-97.

Xu, Q. & Chow, J. (2006). Urban community in China: Service, participation, and development. International Journal of Social Welfare, 15 (3), 199-208.

Johnson, M., Chow, J., Ketch, V., Austin, M. (2006). Implementing welfare to work services: A study of staff decision-making. Families in Society, 87(3), 317-328.

Freisthler, B., Lery, B., Gruenewald, P. & Chow, J. (2006). Methods and challenges of analyzing spatial data for social work problems: The case of examining child maltreatment geographically. Social Work Research, 30 (4), 198-210.

Chow, J. (2006). Professionalization of community services. In M. Yan & J. Gao (eds.). Community social work: An insider-outsider exchange of perspectives (pp.239-244). Beijing, China: Chinese Social Science Press. (in Chinese)

Chow, J., Osterling, K. & Xu, Q. (2005). The risk of timing out: Welfare-to-Work services to Asian immigrants and refugees. AAPI Nexus: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Policy, Practice and Community, 3 ;(2), 85-104.

Chow, J., Johnson, M., Austin, M. (2005). The status of low-income neighborhoods in the post-welfare reform environment: Mapping the relationship between poverty and place. Journal of Health and Social Policy, 21 (1), 1-32.

Chow, J. & Crowe, K. (2005). Community-based research and methods in community practice. In Marie Weil (Ed.) Handbook of Community Practice, (pp. 604-619). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Lou, V., Chow, J., & Chan, C. (2004). Impact of expectation fulfillment on post-migration marital happiness among Mainland Chinese wives with Hong Kong husbands. Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation: An International Publication, 5 (1), 99-112.

Giunta, N., Chow, J., Scharlach, A., & Dal Santo, T. (2004). Racial and ethnic differences in family caregiving in California. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 9 (4), 85-107. Reprinted in Cummings, S. & Galambos, C. (eds.) Diversity and Aging in the Social Environment. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, Inc.

Chow, J., Jaffee, K., & Snowden, L. (2003). Racial/ethnic disparities in mental health service use in poverty areas. American Journal of Public Health, 93 (5), 792-797.

Midgley, J. & Chow, J. (Guest Eds.). (2003/2004). Introduction: East Asian welfare systems: Theories and applications. Social Development Issues, 25 (3), 1-5.

Guan, X., & Chow, J. (2003/2004). The development of urban community services in China. Social Development Issues, 25 (3), 51-61.

Chow, J. & Wyatt, P. (2003). Ethnicity, language capacity, and perception of ethnic-specific services in Asian American communities. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Services, 1 (3/4), 41-60.

Chow, J. (2002). Asian American and Pacific Islander mental health and substance abuse agencies. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 30 (1), 79-86.

Research interests: 
  • East Asian Studies
  • Community Practice and Service Delivery in Urban Poverty, Ethnic and Immigrant Neighborhoods
  • Community Analysis and Needs Assessment
  • Program Planning and Development
  • Cultural Responsive Services


(510) 643-9288
Haviland Hall 209

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